I wanted to talk about some of the minor differences between Nost's vanilla and retail vanilla. These differences are largely due to the fact we're playing on a 1.12 patch that's been partially rolled back to previous content. Four come to mind.
(1) During this patch, you should be able to zone into instances while people inside are in combat with a boss. (This wasn't changed til sometime during AQ40? I remember people zerging down Skeram.)
(2) When combat with a boss begins, it shouldn't automatically put everyone in the zone into combat. "Combat rezzers" who didn't participate with the boss fight, and just sat on the sidelines ressing people who died, were common during vanilla MC.
(3) If a warrior right-clicks on a mob, he should "enter combat" with it and slowly gain 100 rage without having actually engaged the mob. This was in-game at least as late as Zul'Gurub.
(4) Casting sentry totem should cause your character to stop falling to the ground until the totem is destroyed. If you're 20 yards in the air and you cast sentry, you should continue to float there for its duration.
Can you think of any others?