knotic wrote:wait this is 2015. blizzard didnt do this in 2015. year is non-blizzlike omg omg
gotmilk0112 wrote:Change your password and be done with it?
gotmilk0112 wrote:Change your password and be done with it?
Q: If I know my game account's password and can login, is there a way I can change it instead of requesting a reset from the website?
A: Yes, there is a chat command to change your game account's password in the game itself. Once logged in and actively playing your character, it is highly recommended to enter an instance by yourself and type the following command in your chat window using /s:
/s: .account password oldpassword newpassword newpassword
".account password" is the chat command to initiate the password change process. "oldpassword" is your account's current password. "newpassword" is the password you want to change it to and must be entered twice for confirmation. For example, if your current password is "Thrall123" and you wanted to change it to "Garrosh456," the chat command would be entered like this:
/s: .account password Thrall123 Garrosh456 Garrosh456
The reason it is highly recommended to do this in an instance by yourself is in case if you accidentally mess up the chat command, you don't /say your current password to nearby players. Being in an instance by yourself ensures there are no other players around to see your account's password in the chat channels.
candyb wrote: If I know my game account's password and can login, is there a way I can change it instead of requesting a reset from the website?
A: Yes, there is a chat command to change your game account's password in the game itself. Once logged in and actively playing your character, it is highly recommended to enter an instance by yourself and type the following command in your chat window using /s:
/s: .account password oldpassword newpassword newpassword
".account password" is the chat command to initiate the password change process. "oldpassword" is your account's current password. "newpassword" is the password you want to change it to and must be entered twice for confirmation. For example, if your current password is "Thrall123" and you wanted to change it to "Garrosh456," the chat command would be entered like this:
/s: .account password Thrall123 Garrosh456 Garrosh456
The reason it is highly recommended to do this in an instance by yourself is in case if you accidentally mess up the chat command, you don't /say your current password to nearby players. Being in an instance by yourself ensures there are no other players around to see your account's password in the chat channels.
Pretty much the worst account security I've ever seen in a game. I'm really surprised there aren't more catastrophical threads here regarding this.
Admins should feel ashamed for it.