Recently, I decided to read through the original game manual. It was an enlightening experience, and it was interesting to see how much of the information was out of date. I believe it was an especially old copy, particularly because some things were from before the game's release. As an example, the old female troll model was shown on the race menu. One thing that caught my attention, however, was something I had never heard about: dishonor points. It seemed that at one time, they had planned to add dishonor points alongside honor points. This is quoted directly from my manual: "Even among enemies as bitter as the Horde and Alliance, there is honor. If you flaunt this honor and engage in objectionable PvP play, such as killing new players vastly inferior to you in level, or killing essential non-combat NPCs such as flight masters or quest givers, you will earn dishonor. If you accumulate enough dishonor through your criminal actions, you will be branded an outlaw. As a consequence, you'll suffer experience penalties, lose access to your own faction cities, and become so hated by even your own kind that every faction NPC will attack you on sight. World of Warcraft is forgiving of transgressions, however, and if you refrain from dishonorable actions for a long enough time, you will eventually return to favor with your faction and cast off your criminal label."
Although I think a few of those penalties are a bit severe, it would have been a very intriguing system to have in the game. It may have also helped to prevent a lot of the griefing we have to deal with. What are your opinions?