by Drain » Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:57 am
Enchanting. It's the most frustrating and painful profession to work, yet every player at max level needs one to enchant their equipment. You'd be very valuable to a guild with it at max, especially if you take the time to get some recipes. It would easily pay for itself in the long run, as you can charge fees just to take mats and enchant people, which is money for nothing for you, but getting it there in the first place is very difficult. It's a huge money sink to work this profession. It's a very long term choice, doing nothing but wasting money until it's at max skill. It's better for alts when money is no longer a problem and you can throw things away without a consequence to feed it. But if you're poor, stay far away.
Alchemy. Not only can you make good money selling the high end potions that every max level player and guild wants, but you can make money transmuting arcanite. If I remember correctly, this was a CD that can only be done every 24 hours. So people would pay you to use your CD for them to transmute their arcanite, which is needed for many of the high end crafts. While working it up, you could sell potions, or use them yourself. This profession can be applied to almost any class, since anyone can chug buff potions.
Blacksmithing. It has unique paths, meaning different players with this can't all craft everything. Not only would they have to trade crafts with each other, but you can sell high end gear to players without it. This profession is difficult to work, very grindy, but can make a lot of your own gear as a Warrior/Paladin on the road up. It's a big sink of metal and demands extreme farm time for ore, but can make the money back by selling all the unwanted crap in the auction house. All the stuff you waste your days and nights crafting are at least tradable, so they can be sold. But it's very grindy. If you don't want to spend entire days farming ore, you should probably stay away.
Tailoring. Bags. Bags. And more bags. Good money all the way to max level and at max level selling the biggest bags. Everyone needs bags. It can make some decent cloth too, but casters aren't as gear dependent as physical classes, so there was never as much a demand for cloth gear. Many players just neglected their gear to save money, since it wouldn't improve their leveling as much as a physical class gearing up would. On a Warrior or Rogue, wearing the best gear every bracket is important. As a caster... you can level with whatever crap the quests give you. So try to focus on making bags for skill whenever possible. Bags will always sell!