GDKP is coming to Nost PvP! Save your scheckels!
Onyxia GDKP will be hosted by <Surge> members. It's a way for even those with the worst of luck to get items and gold.
How it works:
YOU: Pre raid BiS or better. At least 150g, which will be verified using trade window. Know the fight!
US: Experienced core. Ready to 1 shot Onyxia.
You bring your gold, Greater Fire Protection Pots and a brain.
Gold is spit at 95% among raid.
Tier 2 starts at 75g bid. Offset items start at 100g bid. Weapons are 150g bid. For now the Head of Onyxia is reserved for <Surge>. This will change.
We will link an item. First person to type "X" gets the initial bid. If multiple people bid by typing "X" then the next round of bidding increases by 25g. This continues until only 1 person bids by typing "X" and the item would be sold for the final bid OR no one bids at the new tier and the first person to type X at the previous bidding tier wins.
Raid lead: Viskag linked 150g bid
Player1: X
Player 2: x
Raid lead: 175g bid
Player 2:X
Player 1: X
Player 3: X
Raid lead: 200g bid
Player 1: X
Player 3: X
Raid lead: 225g bid
Player 3: X
Player 3 would win the bid for 225 gold.
Using this same example, if no one bid at the 225 gold tier then Player 1 would receive the item for 200g bid as he was the first person to bid at 200g and no one has bid higher.
First raid will be:
January 2nd 2016 at 10PM Server Time/ 3pm EST
Edit: Starting bids adjusted based on feedback.