This server is the more stable I've ever seen so far, and by far the most populated.
Having both those qualities at the same time really is impressive. I don't think any other project can compete with Nostalrius on those, new and future projects included.
Script-wise, again Nostalrius is the best I've seen so far, but the quantity of bugs is still superior to retail. It is possible that upcoming projects have the same quality, or even a little better. This is at least what advertisements let us imagine. Let's see after new projects release, and when people hit 60 there too. I've learned to be prudent with advertisements!
Overall, Nostalrius is the best server and will be for a long time. Even if another server prove itself to have less bugs, Nostalrius already has so few bugs that the difference can't be significant, while the stability and population make a huge difference.
In the future, I am confident bugs will be fixed. The dev team is reactive until now and they proved skilled enough to solve many problems (that were never fixed anywhere else).
Maktaz wrote:Crashes are usually not caused by the amount of players connected, but by a specific action or script breaking the server.
Yes, and so it is related to the amount of players, at least indirectly

When great numbers are online, it is quite accurate to consider the chance the broken script is activated is proportional to the number of players. If there are 5k online player, a crash is about twice as likely to happen than when there are 2k5 online players.