List of game-breaking hunter glitches

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List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Ohrami » Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:16 am

Here I'm going to list all the hunter pet glitches I've encountered which make the game practically unplayable in certain situations.

Movement speed: Pets' movement speed is based on their owner, not on their own base speed. Their speed takes over once they enter combat, however before this you can easily slow them by using concussive shot or hamstring on its owner. This also means that fast pets such as Takk the Leaper are disappointingly slow, not even able to chase down a mounted player unless you have both the speed talent and Aspect of the Cheetah enabled. Either that, or you have to have him tag a mob once in order to be as fast as he should be.

Line of sight: If something is not within your pet's line of sight, he will refuse to listen to any of your commands related to that target. This is definitely incorrect; the pet should be able to attack anything as long as you have it targeted and there are no obstacles making it impossible for it to reach your target.

Focus abilities: These are not cast automatically unless you have your pet set to Defensive or Aggressive mode. This forces hunters to have a much higher APM than was originally intended. Even worse, some focus abilities, such as Claw, will only autocrat once around every 8 seconds or so, which drastically reduces pet DPS.

Inability to chase: Not directly related to pet movement speed, however sometimes my pet will completely stop chasing people, which combined with the movement speed glitch allows mounted players to easily escape. I noticed this happens especially in Searing Gorge.

DOTs causing Aspect of the Cheetah daze: Makes playing against priests extremely difficult, as they are already my hardest matchup. Trying to keep distance is impossible with this.

If anyone has any other glitches they'd like to share relates to hunters, feel free to post. These glitches have been in the server since its release and it's become very aggravating.

Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Moxey » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:08 am

Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!
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Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Præisten » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:25 am

Moxey wrote:Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!

Lol cry moar. Nostalrius is in a near perfect state, and the above bugs are minor and not gamebreaking.
The devs will fix it in next patch so just wait.
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Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Stark » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:41 am

Yeah hunter pets and even the hunter talents need some looking at. Counter attack in the survival tree isn't immobilizing.

There is a good compilation thread in the hunter forums about a lot of these problems but I feel like other classes also have their issues.

It's important that these things are fixed first and foremost as they impact the majority of the population.
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Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Ohrami » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:51 am

Præisten wrote:
Moxey wrote:Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!

Lol cry moar. Nostalrius is in a near perfect state, and the above bugs are minor and not gamebreaking.
The devs will fix it in next patch so just wait.

How are these bugs minor? They completely change the balance of the game and make me lose fights which I otherwise would have won. If you think Nostalrius is "in a near perfect state", you clearly don't pay much attention. It sure is perfect when a hunter can send in her pet on me, and run around a tree so it's impossible for me to shoot her and impossible for my pet to attack her. It sure is perfect when a person initiates combat on me with a slow and can kite my pet (who is supposed to move faster than an epic mount) who now moves several times slower than a normal player's run speed. It sure is perfect when my pet pulls extra mobs or breaks CCs because I have to leave him on Defensive stance in order for him to come even close to his maximum potential DPS.

Nostalrius is the best there is right now but it's no where near perfect.

Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Præisten » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:56 am

Ohrami wrote:
Præisten wrote:
Moxey wrote:Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!

Lol cry moar. Nostalrius is in a near perfect state, and the above bugs are minor and not gamebreaking.
The devs will fix it in next patch so just wait.

How are these bugs minor? They completely change the balance of the game and make me lose fights which I otherwise would have won. If you think Nostalrius is "in a near perfect state", you clearly don't pay much attention. It sure is perfect when a hunter can send in her pet on me, and run around a tree so it's impossible for me to shoot her and impossible for my pet to attack her. It sure is perfect when a person initiates combat on me with a slow and can kite my pet (who is supposed to move faster than an epic mount) who now moves several times slower than a normal player's run speed. It sure is perfect when my pet pulls extra mobs or breaks CCs because I have to leave him on Defensive stance in order for him to come even close to his maximum potential DPS.

Nostalrius is the best there is right now but it's no where near perfect.

I agree, these bugs must be fixed. And they will, in the next patch. The devs have lots to do right now with banning scammers and listening to whiners. What you need is patience.
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Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Ohrami » Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:59 am

Præisten wrote:I agree, these bugs must be fixed. And they will, in the next patch. The devs have lots to do right now with banning scammers and listening to whiners. What you need is patience.

the devs/GMs are great, but any person who thinks these glitches aren't game-breaking is a moron.

Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Rhauvin » Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:30 am

Præisten wrote:
Moxey wrote:Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!

Lol cry moar. Nostalrius is in a near perfect state, and the above bugs are minor and not gamebreaking.
The devs will fix it in next patch so just wait.

lol, your idea of perfect must be a very low % if you think the server 'is in a near perfect state'.

Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Dormoon » Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:40 am

Præisten wrote:
Moxey wrote:Its ok man, pyrewood village is fully scipted!

Lol cry moar. Nostalrius is in a near perfect state, and the above bugs are minor and not gamebreaking.
The devs will fix it in next patch so just wait.

Dude please stop being a fanboy, DEVs can fix them ofc. But you know it is a Magnos Core Emulated Server. Which means magnos is bug itself. There is a glitch called "Regression". It means that even if you fix something, it won't last permanently and will be broken back again after a crash or restart since emulator updates himself. Remember the warrior's charge. When you charge you find your self facing back a mob. They fixed it thousand times like other glitches. After Dc it was broken again. Nothing will be fixed permanently as long as emulator owners rescript the magnos core. Gl with half scripted tank and spank MC and Ony. Can't think about BwL lol. Just think objectively, don't believe in Nost. unconditonally because it is just another private server with buffed up population. Only feature that makes nost different is population. Rest is the same as others, not much more or less then Feenix itself.

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Re: List of game-breaking hunter glitches

by Rarilmar » Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:46 am

Why isn't the pet following trough stealth bug listed? oh wait... hunter reporting hunter bugs... can't expect him to list all the bugs that make hunter OP :roll:
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