I expected players to be stuck on Molten Core for a good month or so, especially Onyxia aswell, giving the playerbase more time to get to level 60 and not have such a power gap, infact, just so the community felt more connected over the raid progression on the server. When people start here, and they see that end-game or the current progression has already been cleared, it may kill the hype for them. Vanilla was all about working hard for your gear, like oh wow you have a piece of T1, but who has said that? It's currently not honorable at all, and are these top guilds even feeling any sense of achievement? I've watched the twitch streams, and personally I think that if the content wasn't totally fixed, to the point where you can hit Onyxia through phase 2, and mobs don't spawn, killing Ragnaros without a tank etc, the developers should have just locked the raids and kept everyone spamming UBRS etc for D1. What's even crazier is, I was level 21 when Malthrus dinged level 60, and let's not pretend he didn't use Beastslayer pre-nerf.
I also thought the whole 8debuff thing would make it that much harder, guild rivalry and proper hype behind the 'top guilds' because that's the way it has always been really, there was always a top guild on every server, a famous guild. Take Nihilum for instance, but on this we have GRIZZLY and f*cking NOPE, and we've all seen that hunter that's clueless on his rotation. To be honest, seeing how easy the raids were for these guilds have half killed the hype for me. I've managed to ignore the exploits and the people with epic mounts in the first week, whitekidney saying he's going to open up a 'gold shop' on ownedcore (in the first week, what a hype killer huh? we're all level 30~ grinding and leveling up and he's opening up a gold shop LMFAO) but the raids being easy as-well.... where is this 'difficulty'? I'm in no way trying to slate this server, just state my opinion on these matters, the difficulty was a main selling point for this server, and a lot of veterans are coming back for that kind of grind.
I will be staying here and waiting for fixes, I just hope the server survives that long.