Firstly, I am glad to hear the recent announcement on how exploits will be handled, but the announcement fails to capture what will happen to the items/assets that have been obtained from exploiting. Whatever happens in this case should be clearly outlined and properly brought to the attention of the players so that future cases can be handled swiftly and without problem.
If a player that has exploited, and received an item, reports himself to a GM, what happens to the item? If a player that unknowingly exploits and receives an item and reports himself, what happens to the item? Will players who have previously knowingly exploited receive a sanction regardless of whether or not they report themselves? In any case of items/assets gained from an exploit, what happens to said item/asset?
It is my opinion that any advantage gained from an exploit should be rescinded. Players that exploit, knowingly or unknowingly, should not gain an advantage, at any point in time, over other players that have not exploited. This is a matter of policy, and if at any moment a violation of these policies is upheld in any manner, the integrity and the fairness of the game is brought into question. Once the fairness of the game is brought into question, the competitiveness of the game is threatened, and the experience ruined for many.
If a staff member could be answer the aforementioned concerns, that would be greatly appreciated by myself and many others.