Level 1-2 Restrictions

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Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:35 pm

A few things I would like to see happen for level 1 and 2 players on this realm.

- No channel chatting (can /say). At present level 1's cannot channel chat but I would actually like to see this restriction stay until level 3. There's really no reason for level 1 and 2 players to be able to chat. Any player should be able to hit level 3 in 20-30 minutes.

- No mailing (can receive mail). Nearly every COD scam is coming from level 1 players. The only thing level 1's should be able to do is post auctions and check their mail. That's generally what level 1 alts are used for.

- Gold cap. Level 1 and 2 should not be running around with 300g or more. There's NO reason for anyone at that level to have that much gold. I think level 1-2 should be restricted to no more than 5g. In principle here's how this restriction can work: If someone tries to send a COD scam (which they won't because of the send mail restriction) requesting 15g, even if the action is successful because of the restriction the gold will not be delivered and will automatically return to sender. The sender will be super happy because they got their gold back and the scammer will be pissed off because not only did they not get the gold now there's a record of the action from the victim who will let the Admins know someone tried to scam them.

I realize the gold cap is going to require everyone (including myself) to go level up our AH / bank alts but it should take no more than 30 minutes.

The combination of these three measures should lessen the incidents of scams.

Do you agree?
Last edited by Hydra9268 on Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:57 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by DrearyYew » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:43 pm

-no chatting - is there a reason for them to not be able to use say or general chat?

-no mailing - people have level 1 bank alts, so no, this really isn't feasible. Sick of getting COD scammed? Don't be an idiot, learn from your mistakes.

-gold cap - again, bank alts, so no.

To lessen scam incidents, people need to learn from their mistakes, not be stupid, and be mindful of what they are doing. Moderation isn't needed.
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Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Ark » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:46 pm

Not bad, & pretty reasonable IMO.

And before everyone jumps on the "not blizzlike" bandwagon.

These restrictions are being asked for because anyone can create unlimited burner accounts on Nost.
There is no monetary penalty (box cost) or monthly sub to curb this type of abuse.
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Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by azreal313 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:48 pm

Uhhh, gold cap? What about bank alts..
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Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:55 pm

azreal313 wrote:Uhhh, gold cap? What about bank alts..

Go level your bank alt to 3. Takes you 30 mins tops.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Clonk » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:55 pm

Terrible. Most people will have a bank alt at some point and you're just inconveniencing them while the bots and scammers will work around it because, what do you know, 5 minutes of leveling by some kid from malaysia or a bot is not a significant barrier to the black market profits.
Last edited by Clonk on Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Hydra9268 » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:03 pm

DrearyYew wrote:-no chatting - is there a reason for them to not be able to use say or general chat?

Gold scams. Krosnos advertising / Nostalrius attack "ads"

DrearyYew wrote:-no mailing - people have level 1 bank alts, so no, this really isn't feasible. Sick of getting COD scammed? Don't be an idiot, learn from your mistakes.

If someone is making an alt the first thing they should do is quests, not running to the mailbox. It takes most players an average of about 25 minutes to get to level 3. At level 5 most players leave the newbie starting zones and head to the first town where they can access a mailbox. There's a reason why Blizzard didn't put mailboxes in the newbie zones.

DrearyYew wrote:-gold cap - again, bank alts, so no.

Go level your alt. Takes you 25 minutes tops.

DrearyYew wrote:To lessen scam incidents, people need to learn from their mistakes, not be stupid, and be mindful of what they are doing. Moderation isn't needed.

Blizzard can handle this because they have a large, paid staff dedicated to this. Nostalrius has a much smaller crew, mostly volunteers. Because the server is private and subscription free doesn't mean everything should be Blizzlike. Restrictions like these go a long way towards making the server safer.
Last edited by Hydra9268 on Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Crispin » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:28 pm

Very sound ideas. Leveling your bank alt to level 3 takes such a low amount of time it's barely even worth mentioning. The positives vastly outweighs the negative.

Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by cr1t1cal » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:45 pm

I agree. I'd rather take 30 minutes to level my bank alt one time than deal with the gold farmers.

Re: Level 1-2 Restrictions

by Drooppi » Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:19 pm

I haven't received any scam COD (i wouldn't fall for it anyway, like seriously guys, are you 3?), and don't see why a lvl 1 wouldn't be able to whisp me when I'm in org and he wents a TP to UC for instance...

Definitely against this. Maybe put a restriction to the number of people whispered per hour or something, but even that I don't feel a need for it.
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