A few things I would like to see happen for level 1 and 2 players on this realm.
- No channel chatting (can /say). At present level 1's cannot channel chat but I would actually like to see this restriction stay until level 3. There's really no reason for level 1 and 2 players to be able to chat. Any player should be able to hit level 3 in 20-30 minutes.
- No mailing (can receive mail). Nearly every COD scam is coming from level 1 players. The only thing level 1's should be able to do is post auctions and check their mail. That's generally what level 1 alts are used for.
- Gold cap. Level 1 and 2 should not be running around with 300g or more. There's NO reason for anyone at that level to have that much gold. I think level 1-2 should be restricted to no more than 5g. In principle here's how this restriction can work: If someone tries to send a COD scam (which they won't because of the send mail restriction) requesting 15g, even if the action is successful because of the restriction the gold will not be delivered and will automatically return to sender. The sender will be super happy because they got their gold back and the scammer will be pissed off because not only did they not get the gold now there's a record of the action from the victim who will let the Admins know someone tried to scam them.
I realize the gold cap is going to require everyone (including myself) to go level up our AH / bank alts but it should take no more than 30 minutes.
The combination of these three measures should lessen the incidents of scams.
Do you agree?