Two days ago, after lengthy attempts to engage GMs about the unblizzlike ban against everyone who had looted more than one alcor's from heavy junkboxes, I was informed by GM
Kraft via PM that druids have pickpocketing. I decided at that point that all of my efforts had been futile and to start enacting actions which in some cases would necessitate collateral damage. One of these actions was an extensive logging and reporting campaign on twitch, which will continue in perpetuity despite the unexpected win of getting almost everyone right away. What streamers - or tripfags and attention whores as they are known elsewhere - were doing there was actually against the rules, unlike my own stay at nostalrius which followed the rules with assburgian precision.
I also declare that whatever tactic you may choose to employ to circumvent's
rules, such as the one I saw in the other thread about naming yourselves "Guild N," will be screenshatted, archived on several web archive services, and extensively documented in the relevant spreadsheet.
Enjoy your remaining time on nostalrius, sir.