Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

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Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Necrosoft » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:18 pm

Hi everyone!

I am former WoW veteran, playing that gorgeous game from classic to Cata. Now I'm started to play on this server and i love it!

Some days ago i had a dispute with my guild mates.

There is an Imp vendor in Whinterspring location, that selling gromsblood and felcloth, 20 silver and 80 silver respectively. When i played official WoW, i used to buy that goods (when it spawn, and if it was available at the moment), and then sell on Auction House. I used Alt character for this purpose (1 level). That was quite pain to die several times to get in cave where vendor locates, but it was worth it.

So my question is, am i eligible to buy goods from vendors and sell it on Auction House (like example described above)?

My guild mates think that its forbidden and i will be punished with ban. I want to clarify this moment and therefore asking you, is that forbidden or not? ;)

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by werko » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:03 pm

It's not forbidden. As long as there is no exploit to abuse the mechanic, e.g. the vendor has no selling limit somehow, you can buy the stuff from him and sell it on the ah.

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Necrosoft » Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:12 am

Thank you wekro!

What about level restrictions? For that purpose i use to move 1 level character to Winterspring (summon to that zone by asking warlocks), died several times and finally get into the cave. For transfer items to my characters i die then send it via email. Its absolutely legal with game mechanics. I just want to sure i can do that with my first level twink. Thanks!

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by kfkh » Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:18 am

kefka: level 5 warlock || currently banned
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Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Jaya » Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:21 am

I dont see why that would be against the rules.

Like werko said, as long as you not abusing a mechanic I highy doubt the Nost staff would care if you farm a vendor with timed goods.

Edit: as for the level 1 char being there, I have never seen any rule saying a level 1 cant go certain places.

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Tue » Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:34 am

IT should be ok

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Blackadder » Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:07 am

it's illegal to use a lvl 1, because he would be lvl 2 from explore xp by the time reaching the cave.... :P
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Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by nervous » Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:18 am

I would think this would go under multiboxing. If it's not on the same account and someone actually bothered to check who was doing it, it can be considered an unfair advantage.

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by Necrosoft » Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:50 am

Guys you might be wonder why im ask such a silly question. I explain why.

Playing on one of vanilla server recently (i left after Nostalrimus open) i was banned because of this. Why you ask?

Game master thought i use some kind of 3rd software to teleport 1 level character to winterspring. That was quite painful to explain him situation and demand to remove ban, because i did nothing illegal. So i spend a lot of nerves and time to contact with them and to explain.

Its not multiboxing its just twink.

Thank you for ypur replies! :)

Re: Am i able to "resell" vendor goods?

by biffsteken » Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:51 am

How exactly would this be multiboxing?
I don't understand, please explain.
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