Hi everyone!
I am former WoW veteran, playing that gorgeous game from classic to Cata. Now I'm started to play on this server and i love it!
Some days ago i had a dispute with my guild mates.
There is an Imp vendor in Whinterspring location, that selling gromsblood and felcloth, 20 silver and 80 silver respectively. When i played official WoW, i used to buy that goods (when it spawn, and if it was available at the moment), and then sell on Auction House. I used Alt character for this purpose (1 level). That was quite pain to die several times to get in cave where vendor locates, but it was worth it.
So my question is, am i eligible to buy goods from vendors and sell it on Auction House (like example described above)?
My guild mates think that its forbidden and i will be punished with ban. I want to clarify this moment and therefore asking you, is that forbidden or not?