Every server I've played on has been this way. Alliance lose 85% of BGs and usually AFK for half of them. Anyone know the real reason behind this? Kind of curious what are others think about it
Most people who enjoy pvp roll horde because of stronger / better pvp racials. More people roll alliance because paladins are alot better in pve then shamans.
In my experience: Retail: Alliance win ratio - 85:15 Private: Alliance win ratio - 15:85
Roll Horde if you want to PvP in BGs on private server, especially vanilla-TBC as their PvP racials were better. What good racials does alliance have that are viable in PvP? Humans: Perception for rogues/druids. and Nightelves Shadowmeld to skew numbers defending nodes... not very good racials compared to horde... HP increase and stun... and that is just one race!
If you lose against premade then yes, there is nothing we can't do about this. If you lose pug vs pug then git gud :F. No seriously, just run a premade or something if you think the dudes with you are bad.
PS : we usually win a lot of bg' at 60, it's not always horde, far from it
maybe because half the matches we get have unbalanced numbers? or is it because of the luck of the draw where all the tryhard (engineering,consumables) players rolled horde
I think we can draw the conclusion that by now after 10+ years the general consensus is that alliance races are slightly better at pve and horde racials are slightly better in pvp and the veteran players recognize this and chose accordingly .
NB I know that here Grizzly leads the pve and is Horde, but I still think that in general most hardcore pve players here chose Alliance and that this trend will be visible if you take for example the top 10 guilds on both sides... the 10th alliance guild will be significant more progressed than the 10th Horde guild,.