Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Randoms?

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Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Randoms?

by Pira713 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:21 pm

Just asking.

Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by bobbyhill » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:23 pm

because alliance suck
theres a reason why they dont que and we have to deal with these insane que timers

Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by kfkh » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:29 pm

what kind of answer are you looking for
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Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Aeelon » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:36 pm

Well (horde premade) is another word for being random so l2p ;]

Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Imbaslap » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:40 pm

because we have the most useless class in the game.... ret paladins.
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Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Harn » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:26 am

Paladins could be very useful in games like WSG. BoF a druid? Hell yeah!

Sadly, ret paladins are probably the worst class in the game in vanilla, and well beyond even that. It's crazy how long it took for blizzard to balance them...they were so bad it wouldn't be implausable that the devs despised the class, as illogical as it seems.

But I feel the real problem here are the horde racials. Orcs and UD are just too good.
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Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Veridian » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:32 am

Its amazing how the horde always complains about huge queue timers, but when we alliance try to queue its always the same premades over and over again.

Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Chunk » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:52 am

because we lose when we solo que, and cant keep up with premades that never log off and get 1m honor per week, its part of the game, i dont complain when horde premades i just fish in the ab lakes, you should too

Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by Imbaslap » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:04 am

Harn wrote:Paladins could be very useful in games like WSG. BoF a druid? Hell yeah!

Sadly, ret paladins are probably the worst class in the game in vanilla, and well beyond even that. It's crazy how long it took for blizzard to balance them...they were so bad it wouldn't be implausable that the devs despised the class, as illogical as it seems.

But I feel the real problem here are the horde racials. Orcs and UD are just too good.

TBC is where ret pallies have fun and go crazy. I never understood why people would roll ret pally on vanilla as it is not even optimized yet. even then, I never understood how it is fun playing a spec that has to rely on white hits to do damage, with little mana to even cast judgements, and no actual yellow attacks(crusader strike in TBC for example).

this is just my personal opinion though.
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Re: Why alliance only win BG when they are Premade Vs. Rando

by grizlyus » Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:27 am

Imbaslap wrote:
Harn wrote:Paladins could be very useful in games like WSG. BoF a druid? Hell yeah!

Sadly, ret paladins are probably the worst class in the game in vanilla, and well beyond even that. It's crazy how long it took for blizzard to balance them...they were so bad it wouldn't be implausable that the devs despised the class, as illogical as it seems.

But I feel the real problem here are the horde racials. Orcs and UD are just too good.

TBC is where ret pallies have fun and go crazy. I never understood why people would roll ret pally on vanilla as it is not even optimized yet. even then, I never understood how it is fun playing a spec that has to rely on white hits to do damage, with little mana to even cast judgements, and no actual yellow attacks(crusader strike in TBC for example).

this is just my personal opinion though.

You are really clueless in TBC retri is useless you cant really gear there in pvp nobody will take you to arena
and resilience fuck them up they cant really reck bomb/one shot someone anymore
vanilla ret is fine all you need is to grind there is no skill required to get high warlord/grand marshal its just grind
also full retri spec is bad you need to go reckoning you can one shot someone in a stun


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