attention all alliance lvling who plan on pvping at 60

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: attention all alliance lvling who plan on pvping at 60

by belekas » Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:15 am

Lachis wrote:I've been one of this server's defenders of criticism. Appreciating their fixes and what not. But this last week has been the last straw for me. 5 years development. Rushed release. Infinite bugs. More than the player limits in Bg's, CUSTOM herb/mining node spawns. CUSTOM loot. Some things scaled before 1.4 some not. Removing some items that we're in before 1.4 but not removing darkmoon cards. It's no longer blizzlike, it's now just Nostalrius Begins "1.12" CUSTOM Vanilla WoW Experience.

only thing blizzlike is xp rate


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