What's with all the complaints?

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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Bioness » Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:38 pm

AidanNaut wrote:Why's everyones panties in a bundle? Maybe I haven't hit the same rough spots everyone else has, but I hardly see any reason for people to complain. I've played retail vanilla for a bit, and while it has not be an exact experience It has been the most fun and most accurate experience compared to any other server.

I play Alliance, yeah we get ganked a ton. You know what? I gank those Horde scrubs back. I rally everyone together and kill them off, or at least make them hearth back with their tails tucked.

Some quests are bugged, this is to be expected. I report the bug and I move on with my life, maybe do some grinding to make up for that lost xp. Most of the time one lost quest equates to 10 - 12 mobs . Literally 5 - 10 minutes of grind.

Best of all, this is FREE TO PLAY! For how well this server is being run It has been fantastic. I would throw money at this server if I could. The in game community is thriving, even on alliance. I've made plenty of friends within a week of play. We work together to complete our goals. We laugh and have a great time when that poor Horde noob runs into 6 Alliance.

Compare this to current World of Warcraft, where it's all mindless grind and automation. No community, countless number of BG and farming bots.

So please, lets get rid of this whiney garbage from this forum. Enjoy this chance to play something FUN again!

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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by HAEVNEREN » Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:26 pm

AidanNaut wrote:My current level is 24 Alliance. So no, I have not encountered any reported problems in Un'Goro or similar zones. It still sickens me that instead of compiling intelligent posts, people would rather post drivel instead of doing anything constructive. If I hit a huge horde wall in Un'Goro or Feralas, I'm going to hit back with an even bigger Alliance wall.

And that's what's so cool about Vanilla WoW to me. The power of community can over come many things. That's what some of you need to re-learn it seems. :P

Thanks alot for your very inspiring post. I cant wait to see you gather bigger ally counter gank groups considering a) there are more horde, allthough not by a huge amount. b) allies have a weaker overall pvp mentality and c) horde are much more willing to bring 60s in case they arent actually already there in the first place which they most likely Are.

You havent "encountered" shit yet son.
Remake this thread when you ding 55.
UD male

Re: What's with all the complaints?

by AidanNaut » Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:57 am

HAEVNEREN wrote:You havent "encountered" shit yet son.
Remake this thread when you ding 55.

You make very valid points. I'm not dismissing any of the problems the Alliance are facing. In fact I want to inspire people to work together and overcome these hardships to improve our experience. You don't have to be a PvP god to organize a couple of friendlies to go on a rampage.

And I agree with you, I haven't encountered the higher levels yet. But i'll take you up on your offer and keep this tread alive (or remake) when I do hit those high levels. By then, I hope to have rallied enough people that I've leveled with so far to instill some Alliance dominance.

Re: What's with all the complaints?

by pakao » Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:33 am

Im level 52, and i second everything this guy wrote

You should show some apreciation to staff members who made it posible for us to experience vanilla wow at its best again

I can only say thanks to them, and they dont owe me anythning and im not paying then anything
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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Xylon666Darkstar » Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:50 pm

I hope for all you Alliance that your top% exploiting hacking noninclusive guilds/players decide to come out of their caves to help you guys out instead of playing with themselves in the BGs/instances to get top kek gear w/o trying.
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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Eaglesgift » Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:41 pm

If the Alliance lvl 60s weren't so busy playing it safe and ganking in the low levels, they might be available to help in the higher level instances.

Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Durandal » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:29 pm

Battered housewife syndrome is strong ITT

should always be critical of something even if it's freely given to you, circlejerking just tells the creators the product is fine as is even if it's a buggy pile of shit

Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Membraniac » Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:08 pm

Lol Duran way to mentally justify being overly critical to yourself. No one cares about your criticisms, ever think about that?
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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by Robotron » Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:56 pm

Babies will BabyRage. This server is fucking amazing, as is its moderation. I've seen people complain about the GMs here, but I play by the rules and conduct myself with politeness and patience when ticketing them, and they are very kind to me in return. I've had nothing but good experiences with my GM tickets.
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Re: What's with all the complaints?

by AidanNaut » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:38 am

Durandal wrote:Battered housewife syndrome is strong ITT

There's nothing in this thread that suggests that we're fearful for ourselves, nor are we putting any blame for horde aggression on ourselves.


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