nimpie wrote:Not trying to get people banned, just trying to start a discussion and get an answer on whether or not this is passable in Arathi Basin
Yes it's possible to blink up there (rather stupidly easily) Yeah it's really stupid that this is actually allowed (lul safespotting)
Had the same thing happen to us over a week ago where we couldn't cap BS because their healer standing on the roof would heal the entire team and mind blast/wand people trying to cap the flag. Got pics too but really no one even cares anymore on this server
Edit: Like Rottix said, you can get up to stables and farm roof using blink. But I don't know of any way a non-mage can get up there... So put a mage to def ST/Farm and easy life
Double edit: You can get a mage in WSG to bring the flag from alliance GY to alliance roof by jumping inbetween the mountain and the wall, then using blink to teleport to the roof, any other class will just get stuck and have to go the long way around. Mage was told by a GM that this was in fact, legal.