Custom client allowed?

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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Ike » Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:13 pm

alucard001 wrote:
Ike wrote:
TheLockKing wrote:Dalaran did this. I liked it and wondered why no one else does. ;D

Because European Copyright Laws forbid handing out modified clients. Doing so might get your ass sued by Blizzard. While it's okay doing it for yourself, everything else is highly illegal territory.

A spanish server called Mewet did this too, and it's been up for over 5 years...

And still up

Never doubted it for a second, that's why I've said the word might. ;)
Personally I wouldn't want to give them any chances. While this server alert thing is pretty cool, it's also not that important. So in the end it comes down to wheter you as a private server hoster want to take the risk or not.

Narkon wrote:Is it more illegal than playing on a private server?

I would upload the client to mega.

Of course, I would allow nostalrius staff to vet the client and only share it here with their permission. I would ask them to make the changes to the LUA files anyway.

I don't know where you live where Blizzards EULA (which forbids you playing on a private server) is regarded as law, but in the European Union it sure as hell isn't. The worst thing that might happen to you as a player is an account ban. And even then depending on where you're from you'll be able to take legal steps against that. In Germany for example the EULA is 100% invalid, since you couldn't agree on it before buying the game. So even if they would ban you, you could sue them for that.
So yeah, playing on a private server isn't illegal in any 1st world country that I know of. :)
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by konked » Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:23 pm

Narkon wrote:Is it more illegal than playing on a private server?

I would upload the client to mega.

Of course, I would allow nostalrius staff to vet the client and only share it here with their permission. I would ask them to make the changes to the LUA files anyway.

Its not illegal at all to play on a private server, Not sure what stance blizz has on changing the news panel urls but its not like they would even know lol.
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Narkon » Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:02 pm

Im gonna leave it to the nostalrius staff as to whether they would like to use it or not.

I would love to use it. And if others are worried about it, then they could use a different client.
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by c_jay223 » Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:57 am

Bump - because this is bad ass.

Re: Custom client allowed?

by Gunnis » Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:41 pm

As I have understood, blizzard does not care / have any interrest in private servers that run outdated content that does not compete with retail. So in short, if you run vanilla -> MoP your fine, and if you run WoD your not so fine :P

But that is for hosting, playing is no problem atm all.
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Narkon » Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:06 pm

This is what needs changing:

Code: Select all
AUTH_ALREADY_ONLINE = "This character is still logged on. If this character is not logged in and you continue to experience this issue for more than 15 minutes, please contact our Technical Support Department at [email protected]";
AUTH_BANNED = "This account has been banned for violating the Terms of Use Agreement - Please contact our GM department via Email at [email protected] for more information.";
AUTH_DB_BUSY = "This session has timed out. Please try again at a later time or check the status of our WoW servers at";
AUTH_NO_TIME = "Your World of Warcraft subscription has expired. You will need to reactivate your account. To do so, please visit for more information.";
AUTH_PARENTAL_CONTROL = "Access to this account has been blocked by parental controls.  Your settings may be changed in your account preferences at";
AUTH_REJECT = "Login unavailable - Please contact Technical Support at [email protected]";
AUTH_SUSPENDED = "This account has been temporarily suspended for violating the Terms of Use Agreement - Please contact our GM department via Email at [email protected] for more information.";
LOGIN_BADVERSION = "Unable to validate game version.  This may be caused by file corruption or the interference of another program.  Please visit for more information and possible solutions to this issue.";
LOGIN_BANNED = "This World of Warcraft account has been closed and is no longer available for use.  Please go to for further information. "; -- This is the error message players get when trying to log in with a banned account.
LOGIN_PARENTALCONTROL = "Access to this account has been blocked by parental controls.  Your settings may be changed in your account preferences at";
LOGIN_SUSPENDED = "This World of Warcraft account has been temporarily suspended.  Please go to for further information."; -- This is the error message a player receives when trying to log in with a suspended account.
LOGIN_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_PIN = "The information you have entered is not valid.  Please check the spelling of the account name, password, and PIN.  If you need help in retrieving a lost or stolen password, account, or PIN see for more information.";
REALM_LIST_REALM_NOT_FOUND = "The game server you have chosen is currently down.  Use the Change Realm button to choose another Realm.  Check for current server status.";
RESPONSE_FAILED_TO_CONNECT = "Failed to connect.  Please be sure that your computer is currently connected to the internet, and that no security features on your system might be blocking traffic.  See for more information.";
TECH_SUPPORT_URL = ""; -- Tech support web address

SERVER_ALERT_URL is for the breaking news.
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Homan » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:47 pm

Does this not deserve a moderator input? alot of valid concerns need addressing!

gets my vote, looks great. :)
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Regnam1 » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:50 pm

Playing on private servers are illegal... its not like blizzard will hunt u down for posting new info lol
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by azamous » Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:53 pm

Great idea. Would love old school launcher too.
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Re: Custom client allowed?

by Homan » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:01 pm

azamous wrote:Great idea. Would love old school launcher too.

Yeah that would be good! I'm sure I've seen one already on RB.
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