Another Alliance player giving up.

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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:49 pm

lol u suck
u wont b missed
im the best

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Zyfire » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:50 pm

Jinxed wrote:Blastedlands.. In about an hour I managed to complete a single quest in this zone. ONE quest. I earned a whopping 15.000 experience in the sitting.

Gratz, it took me 4 hours to complete the Vulture Gizzard quest in Blasted Lands...

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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Raahl » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:50 pm

This reminds me so much of Vanilla days. Back then the guild focus was strong and you rolled with your crew to make sure you could survive in these hot areas. There were plenty of KOS guild wars that lead to a lot of battles.

That said, I think the overall *active at the same time* population on this server is a bit higher than the servers back then. Just from a newbie (to this private server) perspective, I think this might be part of the problem. It used to be that you could find areas that weren't busy and work there for a time. Here it sounds like there is a lot less non-busy areas.

It is interesting to me and I am hoping I can appreciate it when I get higher level. The world PVP is something I feel that was completely lost during the evolution of retail WoW. It was replaced by BGs, which are fun in their own right. But, that struggle in the world against the other faction all but disappeared.

EDIT: Final thought: I do think the developers need to be conscious of what is going on. If too many people give up because of frustrating gameplay (I am not sure how many really are), the game is going to suffer. I am not sure what the fix is (or if one is needed yet), but it seems to be something to be prepared for.
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Jinxed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:54 pm

I would also like to say I don't mind a fair fight. I've pulled off some great wins versus people my own level. I just don't see the "struggle" against a level 60. Its not a struggle. Its a pounding. I've been used as a horde cum-bucket for the past few days. I don't mind fighting. I don't mind having to struggle.

Getting ganked and camped for hours by 5+ 60 horde as a lonely 49 priest however?.. Not very fun. I cannot even -hit- my opponent for resists.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Retix » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:54 pm

Collateral wrote:k

Oh look, yet another angsty teen trying to look cool on the internet.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Lazermon » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:54 pm

Imzgaming87 wrote:You're wrong.

First of all the horde/alliance ratio is NOT close to 50/50 . Its closer to 60/40 from what I've heard. Not equal at all.

see: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10510
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:55 pm

Raahl wrote:This reminds me so much of Vanilla days. Back then the guild focus was strong and you rolled with your crew to make sure you could survive in these hot areas. There were plenty of KOS guild wars that lead to a lot of battles.

That said, I think the overall *active at the same time* population on this server is a bit higher than the servers back then. Just from a newbie (to this private server) perspective, I think this might be part of the problem. It used to be that you could find areas that weren't busy and work there for a time. Here it sounds like there is a lot less non-busy areas.

It is interesting to me and I am hoping I can appreciate it when I get higher level. The world PVP is something I feel that was completely lost during the evolution of retail WoW. It was replaced by BGs, which are fun in their own right. But, that struggle in the world against the other faction all but disappeared.

EDIT: Final thought: I do think the developers need to be conscious of what is going on. If too many people give up because of frustrating gameplay (I am not sure how many really are), the game is going to suffer. I am not sure what the fix is (or if one is needed yet), but it seems to be something to be prepared for.

these pussys crying are a vocal minority and terribad players in general
let them quit
im the best

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by pakao » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:11 pm

you have to understand, wow players are different now, they are used to blizzard serving everything on the plate, and to getting everything they cry for. we need that blizzard guy now to tell us now how GANKING IS NOT FUN
and to disable pvp

i just started leveling in felwood and in past 30mins there were quite a few situations where alliance where outnumbered by horde but noone attacked them (they were questing) yet alliance attack me in most situations where they have level or number advantage

should i quit?
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Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by Jinxed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:17 pm

I'll stress my point since you seem to avoid it so desperately. I am fine with a couple of ganks. Thats not at all the issue.

The horde have killed the f lightmaster and is actively corpsecamping people who land. We're not talking fifteen minutes. We're not talking thirty minutes. We're talking serveral hours where I can do nothing.

If this was the first day, fine. If it was the second, okay. This has occured over more than ten hours of played time. That is ten hours of me attempting to find somewhere I can farm experience in peace, to no avail. If you believe it fair that shutting down anyone alliance from having an even remotely fair chance to reach 60, then all the power to you. I'll be smiling when the alliance side of the server dies and you complain about the server.

Re: Another Alliance player giving up.

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:20 pm

Jinxed wrote:I'll stress my point since you seem to avoid it so desperately. I am fine with a couple of ganks. Thats not at all the issue.

The horde have killed the f lightmaster and is actively corpsecamping people who land. We're not talking fifteen minutes. We're not talking thirty minutes. We're talking serveral hours where I can do nothing.

its a pvp server im not sure what the point of this thread or post is
you crying wont change anything
im the best


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