Toxicity Level is over 9000

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Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Taibak » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:27 pm

Imzgaming87 wrote:The few 60's we have rather chill in ironforge with their instant queue and asking for help in world chat gets mocked. People mock you for asking for help in world chat.

Very uncool. I'd help -- Well, in time I will help.
"A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're two tents!'"

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:29 pm

Taibak wrote:
PanTheSatyr wrote:don't want to reroll Horde to further exacerbate the problem this server appears to be having.

Definitely not a solution I support! But I have nothing better to offer.

Aside from bans -- but that is not my decision to make, nor one that I think the community would support. Not bans for greifing, or even minor camping. But camping to the point it becomes harassment, that could be bannable... If I were in charge, possibly.
Corpse and GY camping is not harassment.
It even says that if you click the question mark in game and press harassment
qq moar u BK

What dream world are you living in son? Back in the days you could get banned for GY camping people.

So I guess the blizzard staff shouldnt have called GY camping harassment, by your logic. :lol:

Are u retarded? it literally says in game GY camping is not harassment on a PvP server
im the best

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by pakao » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:30 pm

Imzgaming87 wrote:The few 60's we have rather chill in ironforge with their instant queue and asking for help in world chat gets mocked. People mock you for asking for help in world chat.

how pathetic can you be? you have like 600 lvl 60s and horde have 750

"few lvl 60s we have" sounds so sad..

man i gonna take a shit now after reading all this
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Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Imzgaming87 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:33 pm

pakao wrote:
Imzgaming87 wrote:The few 60's we have rather chill in ironforge with their instant queue and asking for help in world chat gets mocked. People mock you for asking for help in world chat.

how pathetic can you be? you have like 600 lvl 60s and horde have 750

"few lvl 60s we have" sounds so sad..

man i gonna take a shit now after reading all this

By the way, I don't say that no Allys help out, and acctually there are mature horde 60s who dont gank.

I'm talking generally right now, about the situation. Don't get all psyched up man, see the situation for what it is.

Enjoy your shit, but dont forget to wash your hands afterwards.

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by pakao » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:36 pm

you said "few level 60s we have"

you have like 10% less 60s then horde
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Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Taibak » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:39 pm

See -- this is what I mean. No need to toss personal insults around when arguing your point.
"A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're two tents!'"

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by pakao » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:41 pm

why he needs that sad tone when he wrote how few 60s they have ? ..

like "its so hard to level we have only a few heroes that made it.." (imagine him crying while hes writing this)

its just stupid. if u want serious discussion be serious, dont write bullshit
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Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by rubick » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:47 pm

pakao wrote:you said "few level 60s we have"

you have like 10% less 60s then horde

theres is a 20%+ difference between horde and alliance at the lvl gap 50-60 by now, bro

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Umbassa » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:57 pm

I would feel inclined to agree with the Horde side, this IS a PvP server. There are no rules saying that you cannot gank, there are no rules establishing "fairness" in world PvP. Yes, it sucks, people can camp you for hours and there is literally nothing you can do (The typical Horde "ganker" has more Cheetos and Mountain Dew on hand than you have time or patience. You're not going to win this one.)

However, when it becomes this one-sided, it should become a conflict of interest to the Staff of Nostalrius as it concerns the overall health and prosperity of the server. As much as I would like to agree that PvP happens on a PvP server this has become a problem.
Umbassa - lvl 30 Night Elf Rogue

"'Tis by the blade that we are are free men, and it is by adversity that we are brothers."

Re: Toxicity Level is over 9000

by Uzephi » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:06 pm

Imzgaming87 wrote:
What dream world are you living in son? Back in the days you could get banned for GY camping people.

So I guess the blizzard staff shouldnt have called GY camping harassment, by your logic. :lol: ... ?page=5#85

Then again, Blizzard had PvE servers so players could have a choice to not be engaged in this kind of combat, even in Vanilla.
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