Partial Solution for alliance

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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:59 pm

snownado wrote:Why are you under the impression that ganking is being a "jerk"? This is a game based on war and hating the other faction... This isn't star craft no rush 30 where you just build up a huge army and attack. The horde are using STRATEGY to prevent you from leveling. Their goal? Domination, make you quit.

This is the exact attitude and reaction the horde want. This is a WAR. Giving up, complaining, throwing in the towel... Enough already, Time to nut up!

Right now the alliance needs Heroes...So I ask, are you that hero? If not move along.

I started this thread to give hope to the alliance not watch a few forum trolls reply along with defeated souls.

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

i like your mentality
im the best

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Retix » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:00 pm

l33tplaya97 wrote:
Mryul wrote:Bad idea to start more ganking. Most horde dont actually gank, dont give them an incentive.

you are so butthurt i laugh everytime i see u post
you go in every thread and complain, even the threads the admin made stating that the A/H ratio is 48-52
you can try and spin it any way u want but the ratio is 48-52
maybe the reason there are more horde 60's is cuz ally sucks

You really were born in '97 weren't you ?

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by l33tplaya97 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:02 pm

Retix wrote:
l33tplaya97 wrote:
Mryul wrote:Bad idea to start more ganking. Most horde dont actually gank, dont give them an incentive.

you are so butthurt i laugh everytime i see u post
you go in every thread and complain, even the threads the admin made stating that the A/H ratio is 48-52
you can try and spin it any way u want but the ratio is 48-52
maybe the reason there are more horde 60's is cuz ally sucks

You really were born in '97 weren't you ?

and better then u at a game that came out when i was 7 HAHA
im the best

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by danker » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:07 pm

all this rp faggotry has got my jimmies into all new levels of rustle... tonight the ganking is real!

seriously tho like 1 WPVP guild with maybe 30+ish people could handle a lot of the ally problems, if they were dedicated enough to answer calls, but the alliance community as a whole just dosent respond, and if they do its like level 30-40 random hunter bro and I just gank him too. As a horde you can sit in any contested zone and pretty much do whatever the hell you want.

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by JackBoosh » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:20 pm

snownado wrote: You can not honestly want me to believe that of the 600 alliance 60s none are willing to help? I won't accept that.

Go on Alliance world chat, tell them you are being camped and ask for help, see what type of response you get.

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by PanTheSatyr » Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:12 pm

I never understood why Horde and Alliance are fighting when we have common enemies like Onyxia and Ragnaros.
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Throe » Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:36 pm

Good. I hope you succeed in helping to protect your fellow Alliance. It would in turn make world pvp that much bigger, and generally more fun. More Ally players need to have a mentality like yours.
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Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Collapxed » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:24 pm

JackBoosh wrote:
snownado wrote: You can not honestly want me to believe that of the 600 alliance 60s none are willing to help? I won't accept that.

Go on Alliance world chat, tell them you are being camped and ask for help, see what type of response you get.

They just wanna premade and hit dat S button 8-)

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by spinaltap » Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:29 pm

Today in STV there are several Alliance task forces purging the Horde from the area. In time when us like minded PvP soldiers hit 60 the tide shall turn...we're coming

Re: Partial Solution for alliance

by Eisseltron » Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:34 am

snownado wrote:Why are you under the impression that ganking is being a "jerk"? This is a game based on war and hating the other faction... This isn't star craft no rush 30 where you just build up a huge army and attack. The horde are using STRATEGY to prevent you from leveling. Their goal? Domination, make you quit.

This is the exact attitude and reaction the horde want. This is a WAR. Giving up, complaining, throwing in the towel... Enough already, Time to nut up!

Right now the alliance needs Heroes...So I ask, are you that hero? If not move along.

I started this thread to give hope to the alliance not watch a few forum trolls reply along with defeated souls.

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"

The goal of the game is not hating the other faction. This is not war. The mentality that the other faction is "evil" and should be forced to quit is ridiculous. This is a game that we are all playing together. This is a private server. Players are finite. New blood can come in, but it trickles in slowly, and can go out just as quickly.

The notion that each faction should hate each other is dumb. We should challenge each other, we should compete with each other. PvP is a good thing. We should be out fighting each other, but it should be a friendly competition, something to inspire and challenge the other side so that we're constantly improving against one another, not trying to force them to quit the game.

The less alliance there are, the worse it is for the horde, and the vice versa is also true. When factions start trending away from 50/50 (which they are at max level) the game suffers as a whole.


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