Ernestos wrote:Dying every 5 minutes from horde 60s this server is unplayable because of stupid retards from horde. And you all saying that horde is ganking 48+ for honor, bullshit they are ganking every contested map 20-60lvl, even redridge mountains, whole fking day they are losing hours to one hit low levels, running through the whole map for NOTHING, only to kill grays and force them to leave the server because it's impossible to even do one quest. Retarded kids picking OP undead rogues and instead of gearing up playing pvp or pve they are killing low levels losing their time to prevent allys from leveling cuz they suck at level 60. You call it pvp? It's corpse camping and griefing for hours, you can't even do one quest without being 1 shoted from horde idiot. And ally 60s do shit about that, they don't care so stop saying to form a group or call for help, cuz no one's care and im not surprised cuz they are playing pvp or pve, they don't want to lose time like horde do. I can understand when leveling player kills leveling player, it's normal and i can die many times like that but where is the fking sense of killing 15-20+ lvls by 60s for hours every fking day? Did you see how those maps looks? 429365234592385736293454836 dead bodies, skulls, bones around the whole map, horde ?? faggots killing everybody 24/7 this server is unplayable and you are contributing to lowering ally population, more ally will stop playing cuz leveling becomes impossible because of you stupid horde. If this server will die cuz of ally rerolling horde or leaving server, it will be only your fault. Get skill and l2p, show it at 60s not by preventing 15+ levels from leveling their chars you scums. I'm doing a break untill this fking situation will change, today its 60/40 for horde at 60s and 30+ min bg queues, in a month + it can be much worse but you have no brain, I'm leaving and will check out kronos gl hf, go kill more helpless grays, this is a great challenge for you. And there is only 10% people saying that cuz the rest don't want to lose more time for writing or searching for help they'll not recieve, they lose enough time every day. More and more people are tired of that shit you are doing the whole time, they can't play and you will lead this server to ruin. gg wp, I say as it is. And before writing shit worth posts by noob gankers about alliance players, move your ass and create a char in ally. Try to level it, do quests in contested zones I want to see how you play it and how long you can stand. Make a video, stream and show us you horde hero how you enjoy being corpse ganked and one hitted by 60s all the time in your own village, in every part of the map for HOURS every day not a few times..