Current state of player ratio A/H

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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by nervous » Fri May 01, 2015 4:47 pm

Mryul wrote:First, can you elaborate on the text in bold? Which situation is worse to you?

We're on the same page regarding a lot, though there are some minor statistical mistakes.

The server first started out with a tendency to favor horde in the 1-60 ratio, it wasn't until recently that they moved closer to 48/52. Yes, horde is more prone to pvp. Initially, the horde would hit 60 enmasse faster than the allies. Already then it started, and it has now moved into a 40/60 ratio in favor of the horde at 60. I imagine this gab is significantly larger if you count 55-60.

There are plenty of things we could do to ease the problem.
1) Disencoruage ganking of alliance players, to make the pool of alliance players at 60 larger ( which increase the pool of allies that like PvP)
2) Encoruage people to roll on alliance side for PvP

The situation where horde ganks alliance a lot is worse, but a no ganking ceasefire still leads to a worsening of the queue times due to an equal amount of horde and alliance hitting 60 (more fresh 60s on the horde will queue for pvp compared to the fresh 60s on the alliance).

There is no real solution to encourage people to roll on alliance side if they want to PvP unfortunately, just like there is no real solution to encourage people to roll on horde side if they want to PvE. That's just how it is. Alliance will always be stereotyped as the dominant PvE faction, and horde the stereotyped dominant PvP faction.

Hell, GRIZZLY rolled horde only because when this server was still in its pre-launch weeks, we saw MCST, Ridin Dirty, NOPE, Exiled, Massivus, etc rolling alliance side and absolutely zero guilds (this was before dreamstate declared their intent to move) that we were familiar with as being solid PvE guilds on horde.

It's hard to accurately judge the amount of 60s on both factions due to raidloggers, but of the 60s, its clear horde pvps more than they pve. Something like 16 raid guilds alliance side compared to Horde's 11 raid guilds?

Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by Membraniac » Fri May 01, 2015 8:26 pm

Personally I think it should be a feature that the more numerous faction can always instantly change factions, with a cooldown of like a month or something, to the less popular one. Shammies and pallies have to stay where they are, though.
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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by matt » Fri May 01, 2015 8:50 pm

69/420 horde
19, Bisexual, Boston

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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by Lazermon » Fri May 01, 2015 9:15 pm

out of the 18 guilds that has cleared all of the PVE content, 6 are horde, 12 are alliance.

Total faction balance including all levels is very close to 50/50.

lvl 60 balance right now is 60/40 in favor of horde.

I do not see how these 3 stats can remain the same for a longer period of time, that would not make sense to me.

I do not believe the amount of people quitting the server because of PvP are enough to matter to any of the 3 above statistics.
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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by l33tplaya97 » Fri May 01, 2015 9:23 pm

Lazermon wrote: amount of people quitting the server because of PvP

they are a small vocal minority and i would rather have them gone anyways
im the best

Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by Xef » Fri May 01, 2015 9:35 pm

Totally agree with nervous regarding the whole bg queue issue at 60. It makes absolutely 0 sense that if those alliance players who are struggling to get to 60 would finally do so, that horde then would somehow magically have 'acceptable' queue times to bg's.

If both factions had an equal amount of pvp'ers at 60, there's no way alliance's queue's would be instant and horde would have to wait for ages. The ratio is 60/40, not 98/2.

The problem will continue as is, unless Nost somehow gets a new wave of pvp players and they all roll alliance.

Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by Mryul » Fri May 01, 2015 10:16 pm

Xef wrote:Totally agree with nervous regarding the whole bg queue issue at 60. It makes absolutely 0 sense that if those alliance players who are struggling to get to 60 would finally do so, that horde then would somehow magically have 'acceptable' queue times to bg's.

If both factions had an equal amount of pvp'ers at 60, there's no way alliance's queue's would be instant and horde would have to wait for ages. The ratio is 60/40, not 98/2.

The problem will continue as is, unless Nost somehow gets a new wave of pvp players and they all roll alliance.

"it makes absolutely 0 sense that if there were a shit ton more allies at 60 the queues would be better for horde"

i dont knoww where you get your logic but i'd ask for a refund
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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by pakao » Sat May 02, 2015 7:54 am

I guess people expect instant queues on both sides

basicly, whatever the fuck happens, people would still cry on forums all the time

a/h ratio here is better then it was on 90% of blizzard servers in vanilla
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Re: Current state of player ratio A/H

by Xef » Sat May 02, 2015 8:58 am

Mryul wrote:
Xef wrote:Totally agree with nervous regarding the whole bg queue issue at 60. It makes absolutely 0 sense that if those alliance players who are struggling to get to 60 would finally do so, that horde then would somehow magically have 'acceptable' queue times to bg's.

If both factions had an equal amount of pvp'ers at 60, there's no way alliance's queue's would be instant and horde would have to wait for ages. The ratio is 60/40, not 98/2.

The problem will continue as is, unless Nost somehow gets a new wave of pvp players and they all roll alliance.

"it makes absolutely 0 sense that if there were a shit ton more allies at 60 the queues would be better for horde"

i dont knoww where you get your logic but i'd ask for a refund

And I don't know where you get your reading comprehension from, but I'd ask for a refund, and then try to read this whole thread again.

Yes we all know that if there were 'shit ton more allies at 60' (which would be needed to get rid of the horrid queue times), they'd all want to pvp in pugs, and no other horde that had lvl'd during the same time would want to pvp.

But I guess there's no point repeating all this, you've made up your mind, and you clearly know exactly what all those future lvl 60 allies are going to do (pvp) and same with all the horde's (not pvp).


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