Setup wrote:Hydra9268 wrote:Islamic State of Ironforge and Stormwind.
A player named Ignored send me a ginv which I immediately declined. I found the guild name incredibly offensive. Can this guild be banned?
Yeah, censorship is great! choices
When you choose a character name, create a guild, or otherwise create a label that can be seen by other players using the Game or the Service, you must abide by the guidelines as well as the rules of common decency. If Nostalrius staff finds such a label to be offensive or inappropriate, it may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change the name, remove the label and corresponding chat room, and/or suspend or terminate your use of the Service.
If you find a name that does not respect these naming rules, you can report it using the corresponding assistance system.
Any name that matches any of the following categories, explicitly or not, will be considered outlaw and will be forcefully changed:
Religion, Politics;
Staff member name;
Racism, Ethny, Nationality;
Sexuality, Violence, Drugs;
Harrassment or Diffamation;
Obscenity, Vulgarity, Insults.
A guild named ISIS, which the GL has stated means Islamic State of Ironforge and Stormwind, is offensive and totally violates the Terms of Use.
So there's that.