Pride wrote:Moonrae wrote:You should be asking why is the server so OVER populated. Blizzard never intended for Azeroth to have 6k players, even 5k. At about 2.5k, you got put into a queue. Blizzlike? No, but that term is used very loosely anymore on private servers.
kronos' fanboy, QQ more pls

way to suck dick
anyways using an ad populum fallacy to explain why something is good is retarded beyond all measure, because by that train of thought CoD is a good series because it's so popular
A bigger reason why nost's relaunch came before the relaunch of kronos and by the time kronos came out most players had invested a fair amount of time here, and like any game people are VERY reluctant to switch over if character progression will be lost.
The second factor is nost's "blizzlike progression" promise which soon everyone learned was thrown out the window, nost's content is all over the place, we have bits from 1.4 1.5 1.10 and so on. the devs here are more focused on the content right now (not necessarily a bad thing) than they are addressing major bugs and missing features like how 1.5 introduce WSG while fixing faction insignias to remove what they should be removing or the bug with stable masters that potentially deletes a hunter pet.
nost is a far from perfect server, same for kronos I find the blind fanboyism to be appalling, as bad as the alliance on these forums bitching about being ganked
also forgot to mention moon IS right, originally WoW servers were meant to hold only 2.5K people per realm, any more and you'd be put into a queue so we ARE seeing an over population on nost in terms of world, which does create inherent problems (questing areas overflowing, large wait times on mob kill quests, ETC)