Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Norjak » Wed May 06, 2015 5:56 pm

Stalk wrote:I understand that it is possible. I just want to know if it is bannable even though it was done on retail without repercussions.

Read the ToU and figure it out...be more specific if you're still confused.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by DrunkenEnvy » Wed May 06, 2015 6:50 pm

It's Blizzlike. Staff and GMs and everyone should back off.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Viper » Wed May 06, 2015 7:53 pm

Wall jumping doesn't need any hacking tools right? ;)

EDIT/Clarification: Walljumping is allowed on Nostalrius. However, abuses and exploits are not. So if you find an exploit / abuse using wall jumping, you may receive a sanction for it.
If you think something you are doing / want to do could be forbidden, let us know and we will tell you if is allowed or not.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by MikeBlackwater » Wed May 06, 2015 8:05 pm

Viper wrote:Wall jumping doesn't need any hacking tools right? ;)

True words been spoken.

- Intentional use of bugs has been banned by Blizzard.

Feel free to use bug's and exploits ppl, but don't blame anyone if you get banned for it.

Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Stalk » Wed May 06, 2015 10:16 pm

I just wanted to know if I can jump the wall to kill Ukorz Sandscalp instead of doing the Stair Event without getting banned. I wanted to make this public for everyone's comments and thoughts but now I feel threatened because maybe the links I posted match this line in the ToS - "Publishing a software, methods or articles on cheating which can be applied on the server". This requires no hacking programs. I simply want to be able to skip the Stair Event. Did I do something wrong by creating this post?
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by azreal3133 » Wed May 06, 2015 10:21 pm

I had the stair event bug for my group and we didn't have the time to wait for a GM so we wall jumped up there, by all rights we should have been able to get in there but we had to resort to other methods, is that still a punishable offence?
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Bioness » Thu May 07, 2015 6:02 am

I remember in Pre-Cataclysm World of Warcraft there was a way to skip that event as well which would cause all the mobs to just stay at the bottom of the stairs. I used to do it all the time in retail, but can't remember if this was it or we did something else.
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Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by holkan » Thu May 07, 2015 7:28 am

I don't care about the issue at hand particularly , but more so the philosophy. So people can't wall jump to skip an encounter because its an exploit / gives them an advantage in the game. But its ok to bug out guards and gain honor in goblin towns / camp building tops in AB gaining an advantage?

Either way I don't care about the issues it doesn't matter to me which way its allowable or not, but I do care about the contradiction of one exploit being okay and another not. It seems to me if you can't wall jump to skip an encounter and get gear you shouldn't be able to evade guards to gain honor.

Once again I don't care either way on the issues its just I think they're the exact same philosophy and should be treated the same way.

Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Crispin » Thu May 07, 2015 11:09 am

It's hard to argue against that holkan and I very much agree.

Re: Wall Jumping to Ukorz Sandscalp

by Youfie » Thu May 07, 2015 12:52 pm

holkan wrote:I don't care about the issue at hand particularly , but more so the philosophy. So people can't wall jump to skip an encounter because its an exploit / gives them an advantage in the game. But its ok to bug out guards and gain honor in goblin towns / camp building tops in AB gaining an advantage?

Either way I don't care about the issues it doesn't matter to me which way its allowable or not, but I do care about the contradiction of one exploit being okay and another not. It seems to me if you can't wall jump to skip an encounter and get gear you shouldn't be able to evade guards to gain honor.

Once again I don't care either way on the issues its just I think they're the exact same philosophy and should be treated the same way.

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