Cody121 wrote:Psychic wrote:Ganjo wrote:DM has to come out first. They have no said a single thing about DM yet. Its nice waiting for patches to be deployed over months instead of normally. LOL @ this server being polished and finished LOL
Agreed. If they think one world boss is enough to satisfy people for the next 5 weeks, they are fucking wrong.
>Rush server because Kronos is releasing
>Fail to deliver.
>People are starting to get salty and that's for a reason.
inb4 "omfg you dont even pay"
Bitch, people invest their time to this in hopes of updates actually happening. we are talking about 200hours+. You don't simply quit after making some effort.
you are the kind of person who bitches about content release time. so you want 2 months releases for each content patch? so when the server hits naxx late this year and then KT is released early next year and the top guilds kill him and leave because nothing is left to do..
get the fuck over yourself.. stop playing and go play something else you twat.. when DM/BWL are released come back..
your argument of "i invested time into this, and i demand content patches now" bull shit is over used.. you are playing on a server that took a while to develop.. idk if it really was 5 years.. but seriously.. get off your high horse. go roll a different class on the other faction.. go make a different class on your faction and raid with a different guild.. why do you get so butthurt that content isnt released? do you want it all right now so the server dies with in a year? or do you want a healthy population of raiders with good gear that clears content when its released and work and grind for your full BiS for each tier..
the point of this server is to farm the BiS gear for each tier and be a real vanilla wow raider.. not this "oh we downed rag 3 times already, so i wont show up to raids because im bored"..
did you go farm CC rep? How about AD rep? You want your t2.5 when its released or are you going to bitch and complain that you need to now grind rep for gear AND raid at the same time?
there is a shit ton to do in this game that you dont think about.. go get an offspec pre raid BiS set.. go level a toon to 35 for alt professions.. go play the other faction and meet new people..
what is wrong with you.. content should not be released just because people are bored.. because when that content is cleared.. they will be bored again.. do you want everything handed to you on a silver platter?
seriously.. just stop playing.. the majority of the server enjoys what is going on. we seem to only get bitchy people on the forums complaining that they arent getting content.. you seem to think new content will "refresh" the raiding scene.. it wont.. it will be cleared by most guilds and on farm with in 2 resets and maybe 3 for the guilds lagging behind. then what? you all come back to the forums and continue to bitch because "lawl 5 years dev, no raids, nothing to do"....
grind your fucking shit.. grind a new class.. get gear.. do it again.. isnt that why you play here? or do you play here because you thought you were going to be "lawl t2 rogue, i wrek face in pvp with my bloodfang"...
even if your t1 isnt good for you, like most classes in this tier.. just get it any way.. it looks cool sitting in IF while you AFK because you have "nothing better to do"... second, it gives you purpose for logging on to do raids..
there are plenty of people who continue to raid just to be able to raid.. getting gear is not top priorty for quite a few players.. the actual content and grouping with 39 other players to slay pixels quite enjoyable..
you want something to do? go play arch age.. that game is for ever grinding.. but i also bet you are the kind of person that goes "this is way to grindy, whaaaaaaa, make it easier".. which is why retail wow is the way it is now.
do us all a favor and just go away.. you are so toxic.