bwl announcement

Discussion forum related to PVP Server.

Re: bwl announcement

by DeeMarie » Thu May 14, 2015 7:07 pm

Thing is, you only have to take a look at certain other servers to see how holding back content for months on end can end up destroying the community and guilds alike.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: bwl announcement

by Thefilth » Thu May 14, 2015 7:25 pm

I must admit, real blizz-like vanilla horribad itemization is alot worse than I thought it would be.

Am I fed up with sitting at +0% hit rating in BIS gear? Yes.
Am I annoyed because raid epics are (alot) worse than crafted greens? Yes.

With my 23 days played, I've seen what there was to see and would like something fresh. There are reasons we quit retail and one of those reasons is that their tiers tend to last for a year at a time, even if they only take 3-4 weeks to clear.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: bwl announcement

by pmizz » Thu May 14, 2015 8:14 pm

Probably start of June

that will be 3 months, and basically be the kind of spread they wanna see for BWL gear going into AQ assuming AQ comes 3/5 months after that
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: bwl announcement

by Cody121 » Thu May 14, 2015 8:20 pm

pmizz wrote:Probably start of June

that will be 3 months, and basically be the kind of spread they wanna see for BWL gear going into AQ assuming AQ comes 3/5 months after that

which puts naxx around december. then guilds clear and get full t3 in under a year of the server being opened. then the complaints of the TBC server start to get worse.. no one will want to roll on this server if naxx is opene.. so keeping a healthy population until then is key. healthy meaning we dont have all the srubs complaining about content. just because a different server didnt release content in a timely manor for the 1.3k players that were playing.. doesnt mean this server will "die" because they arent releasing content fast enough.. you want fast content.. go back to retail..

people say they came to nost for the hardcore grind of vanilla.. then get pissed off that they have to do the hardcore grind of vanilla.. no one is ever happy.. EVER.. its simply psychology. how hard is it for people to go and play feenix if they want to raid BWL/Naxx already? oh wait.. they are mad because all the content is cleared and they get carried though it geting fed gear.. so they come to nost.. and whine because of no content and being stuck in MC for a month and a half.

if people are so butthurt about not getting content.. fucking stop playing and wait till it is released. i dont understand why people complain so hard. just stop playing.. go do something else and complain somewere else about how miserable your life is with out BWL. because we all know when you cleared BWL 3-4 times you will be back here demanding ZG/AQ. then we start the bandwagon all over again.

Re: bwl announcement

by Psychic » Thu May 14, 2015 8:21 pm

Cody121 wrote:
Psychic wrote:
Ganjo wrote:DM has to come out first. They have no said a single thing about DM yet. Its nice waiting for patches to be deployed over months instead of normally. LOL @ this server being polished and finished LOL

Agreed. If they think one world boss is enough to satisfy people for the next 5 weeks, they are fucking wrong.

>Rush server because Kronos is releasing
>Fail to deliver.
>People are starting to get salty and that's for a reason.

inb4 "omfg you dont even pay"
Bitch, people invest their time to this in hopes of updates actually happening. we are talking about 200hours+. You don't simply quit after making some effort.

you are the kind of person who bitches about content release time. so you want 2 months releases for each content patch? so when the server hits naxx late this year and then KT is released early next year and the top guilds kill him and leave because nothing is left to do..

get the fuck over yourself.. stop playing and go play something else you twat.. when DM/BWL are released come back..

your argument of "i invested time into this, and i demand content patches now" bull shit is over used.. you are playing on a server that took a while to develop.. idk if it really was 5 years.. but seriously.. get off your high horse. go roll a different class on the other faction.. go make a different class on your faction and raid with a different guild.. why do you get so butthurt that content isnt released? do you want it all right now so the server dies with in a year? or do you want a healthy population of raiders with good gear that clears content when its released and work and grind for your full BiS for each tier..

the point of this server is to farm the BiS gear for each tier and be a real vanilla wow raider.. not this "oh we downed rag 3 times already, so i wont show up to raids because im bored"..

did you go farm CC rep? How about AD rep? You want your t2.5 when its released or are you going to bitch and complain that you need to now grind rep for gear AND raid at the same time?

there is a shit ton to do in this game that you dont think about.. go get an offspec pre raid BiS set.. go level a toon to 35 for alt professions.. go play the other faction and meet new people..

what is wrong with you.. content should not be released just because people are bored.. because when that content is cleared.. they will be bored again.. do you want everything handed to you on a silver platter?

seriously.. just stop playing.. the majority of the server enjoys what is going on. we seem to only get bitchy people on the forums complaining that they arent getting content.. you seem to think new content will "refresh" the raiding scene.. it wont.. it will be cleared by most guilds and on farm with in 2 resets and maybe 3 for the guilds lagging behind. then what? you all come back to the forums and continue to bitch because "lawl 5 years dev, no raids, nothing to do"....

grind your fucking shit.. grind a new class.. get gear.. do it again.. isnt that why you play here? or do you play here because you thought you were going to be "lawl t2 rogue, i wrek face in pvp with my bloodfang"...

even if your t1 isnt good for you, like most classes in this tier.. just get it any way.. it looks cool sitting in IF while you AFK because you have "nothing better to do"... second, it gives you purpose for logging on to do raids..

there are plenty of people who continue to raid just to be able to raid.. getting gear is not top priorty for quite a few players.. the actual content and grouping with 39 other players to slay pixels quite enjoyable..

you want something to do? go play arch age.. that game is for ever grinding.. but i also bet you are the kind of person that goes "this is way to grindy, whaaaaaaa, make it easier".. which is why retail wow is the way it is now.

do us all a favor and just go away.. you are so toxic.

You are the kind of guy that sucked his teachers dick for better grades, wearing OBEY shirt with macklemore hair. so fuck you right off the bat.

You are suggesting me to do things but I know tons of people including me that have enough gold, all required reputation, maxed gear and a class that they like to play + alts. Currently if you don't want / have time to premade in BGs you got nothing to do. Grinding the same things over and over? If you enjoy that, you might aswell play some minesweeper.

It is obvious that most guilds will one shot the next content because they are geared to the max.
But that doesn't deny the fact that they are late as fuck and content was supposed to be ready, so it would be even slightly challenging and less boring for the mass that keeps afking in IF the whole day, or stay logged out.

And about pvp: PvP gear is way superior than PvE gear currently, which just holds people from doing any kinds of PvP against the minority that currently has r11+ items. Releasing content might restore PvP scene a bit.
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Re: bwl announcement

by pjohnson427 » Thu May 14, 2015 8:35 pm

You are the kind of guy that sucked his teachers dick for better grades, wearing OBEY shirt with macklemore hair. so fuck you right off the bat.

You are suggesting me to do things but I know tons of people including me that have enough gold, all required reputation, maxed gear and a class that they like to play + alts. Currently if you don't want / have time to premade in BGs you got nothing to do. Grinding the same things over and over? If you enjoy that, you might aswell play some minesweeper.

It is obvious that most guilds will one shot the next content because they are geared to the max.
But that doesn't deny the fact that they are late as fuck and content was supposed to be ready, so it would be even slightly challenging and less boring for the mass that keeps afking in IF the whole day, or stay logged out.

And about pvp: PvP gear is way superior than PvE gear currently, which just holds people from doing any kinds of PvP against the minority that currently has r11+ items. Releasing content might restore PvP scene a bit.

You could always program, bug test, and fund your own server since it's so simple to churn out content patches that are half a decade old.

Re: bwl announcement

by Cody121 » Thu May 14, 2015 9:08 pm

Psychic wrote:

You are the kind of guy that sucked his teachers dick for better grades, wearing OBEY shirt with macklemore hair. so fuck you right off the bat.

You are suggesting me to do things but I know tons of people including me that have enough gold, all required reputation, maxed gear and a class that they like to play + alts. Currently if you don't want / have time to premade in BGs you got nothing to do. Grinding the same things over and over? If you enjoy that, you might aswell play some minesweeper.

It is obvious that most guilds will one shot the next content because they are geared to the max.
But that doesn't deny the fact that they are late as fuck and content was supposed to be ready, so it would be even slightly challenging and less boring for the mass that keeps afking in IF the whole day, or stay logged out.

And about pvp: PvP gear is way superior than PvE gear currently, which just holds people from doing any kinds of PvP against the minority that currently has r11+ items. Releasing content might restore PvP scene a bit.

so when they release BWL and you clear it in a month and have it on farm, will you be back here complaining for them to release AQ? and when thats on farm, then naxx? so you will be in full t3 with all BiS off pieces and r13 gear by the end of the year..then what.. you bitch about the TBC server not being released?

you need a new fucking hobby kid.. gaming just doesnt seem like your thing.... you cry so much about content.. go play live.. plenty of content to do their instead of sucking dick on IF bridge every day getting a load to the face cuz devs take their time.

cry more. fill my empty cup of tears c\_/

Re: bwl announcement

by Mobi » Thu May 14, 2015 9:29 pm

We were promised a progression server, and given a timeline, which has not been adhered to other than to say that the time line isn't finalized. If content release is too slow, then when we finally get into the harder content, it becomes too easy because we over-gear it, ED being the perfect example of this. Due to the content appropriate gear reductions that is not as much of an issue, but it is also a source of player burnout, as many of us have already farmed these dungeons to death on other servers and the progression style was a major draw for us, as we were under the impression that it was done or near-done especially considering the timeline we were given.

While we attempt and will continue to recruit to stay ahead of the curve, it's a bit worrying that over a full 10% of our 50 player roster, most of which being very active players in secure raid positions, have gone casual/quit in the last week and change, despite almost every week being a performance improvement over last. I imagine guilds that hadn't prepared for this ahead of time will be or are suffering even more than us. Turnover is always expected of course, so this may be a fluke, weather related, etc, it is hard to say but given the type of people we try to recruit, I have little doubt that boredom is a factor.

Overall, with a few exceptions, the server has been great, but a lot of us myself included think we're beginning to enter the realm of unknown, where previously we felt very sure the direction things were going.

Re: bwl announcement

by nervous » Thu May 14, 2015 10:06 pm

Cody121 wrote:so when they release BWL and you clear it in a month and have it on farm, will you be back here complaining for them to release AQ? and when thats on farm, then naxx? so you will be in full t3 with all BiS off pieces and r13 gear by the end of the year..then what.. you bitch about the TBC server not being released?
you need a new fucking hobby kid.. gaming just doesnt seem like your thing.... you cry so much about content.. go play live.. plenty of content to do their instead of sucking dick on IF bridge every day getting a load to the face cuz devs take their time.
cry more. fill my empty cup of tears c\_/


There is one thing you don't understand about Nostalrius, and it isn't your fault because it requires you to have played other servers before. A massive contingent of people (I'm talking about 80% of the current raiding guilds) came to this server not as individuals, but as guilds formed on other servers.

These people that came here as guilds do so for one reason: we enjoy playing games with our guild mates, and in particular, classic WoW.

A big problem raid guilds struggle with is burnout. Because keeping 40 people interested in a game where hardly anyone gets upgrades from the only raid instance for 4+ months is difficult.

"why not just QUIT THEN UNTIL BWL???"

Well, guilds very well could. But the issue is that not everyone is going to come back 4 months later when BWL is released. And good luck recruiting fresh 60s that have never heard of you after your 4 month hiatus when other active raid guilds are actively poaching out fresh blood.

You'll hear guilds complaining about AQ not being released when the timeline isn't being adhered to and no announcements have been made to explain the delay.

Mobi's post is on point as well.

Re: bwl announcement

by saintfire » Thu May 14, 2015 10:51 pm

So nervous god dammit, when are you recruiting me? i wanna be with my lover cs :(


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