Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by sanserof » Fri May 15, 2015 6:13 am

Bad article. I don't play vanilla because of nostalgia, I play it because I genuinely believe it's a better version of the game.
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Xsplicit » Fri May 15, 2015 8:48 am

heradura wrote:Not really worth the read. Here, I'll summarize:

nostalgia nostalgia, oh but you can't really relive those old times, but nostalgia nostalgia anyway lol


Really? I thought it would go a little something like this:

Clickbait, why can't I pick a non-binary gender?, rampant misogyny, TRIGGERED by someone's character name, L I T E R A L L Y raped in PvP, nerdy white males proliferating the patriarchy, 77% of gamers are women, subscribe to us on tumblr.

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Karrier » Fri May 15, 2015 3:07 pm

sanserof wrote:Bad article. I don't play vanilla because of nostalgia, I play it because I genuinely believe it's a better version of the game.


Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Charizard » Fri May 15, 2015 3:13 pm

So this is where the excess donation money went. 8-)
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Karrier » Fri May 15, 2015 3:20 pm

"I spent three days trying to get a group together for Blackrock Depths, and it was impossible"

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Crysthal » Fri May 15, 2015 3:21 pm

Karrier wrote:"I spent three days trying to get a group together for Blackrock Depths, and it was impossible"

he must have played an undead rogue lol
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Xef » Fri May 15, 2015 4:12 pm

So tired of all these people saying the only reason anyone would play vanilla is nostalgia. Why would it be because we think it's a better game than say WoD?

Ofc, then, it's the same with people who want to play on Cata and MoP pservers. So basically, if you play any games that are more than 6 months old, it's because of nostalgia. Not because you like them..just nostalgia.

Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 15, 2015 4:32 pm

I thought the article was fine. You can't really experience WoW the way it was in 2004; either you've played it before and know what to expect or you can use Google to find all those hidden quests and surprises. But this is as good as it gets... and DAMN it's good!

I pretty much play for all the reasons listed in this thread - nostalgia, prefer the mechanics/game to current MMOs, etc.
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Norjak » Fri May 15, 2015 5:15 pm

sanserof wrote:I don't play vanilla because of nostalgia, I play it because I genuinely believe it's a better version of the game.

Same here - and the article itself is a good read. Many people play here for their own reasons, but that doesn't make the article "bad".
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Re: Kotaku article with Nostalrius mentioned

by Mdmadam » Fri May 15, 2015 8:55 pm

Still amazes me to no end how developers do not take notice of this trend ie. Players returning to older emulations of the games former glory. Like if I made a game and its been out for awhile and I notice private servers springing up running older versions of my game I would start to question the current state of my game.

Questions such as why are these vast amounts of players playing an older version of my game, I thought my updates made it better? Did it not? What did I do wrong? What can I do to fix it? Are the consumers actually right about my product? Am I targetting the right audience or trying to target everyone at once? I've already made millions of dollars, is keeping my customers happy really that important to me?

Sadly money talks. We've seen this time and time again where these individuals or teams put out this grand product of a game that captures our hearts and leaves an impression on us for years to come and then what do they do? Yes, they sell out to corporations run by a bunch of suits who have never (properly) held a controller or gaming peripheral in their lives and then are giving the position to dictate how this masterpiece of going to go forward. And we all know what happens next, they take a huge dump all over it and turn it into a "lets please everyone tra la la la la" game and then they won't why their profits for the quarter are cut in half.

I pray for a time in the future where games get back on track and developers don't sell out to white collar morons.
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