by Royberg » Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:22 am
I played on Feenix for 4 years, mostly as Groshar on Warsong. I eventually lost interest in raiding and only logged on to shoot the shit with folks and host a daily trivia game. Every six months I hosted a grand Tournament of Champions where each winner of that season was invited to the big dance. I gave away tons of cool prizes like the chromatic carapace from the Beast in UBRS, the Eye of Shadow, and out of game stuff like porn site passwords, and a Steam game.
Who knows? Maybe I'll host a game here and give away sexy prizes.
Roygarth - Frostmane (US) 2005-2011
Zoldar - Frostmane (US) 2007-2011
Roygarth - Feenix (Al'Akir) 2011 R.I.P. <Starfleet>
Groshar - Feenix (Warsong) 2011-2015 Trivia, anyone?