Safe-Spotting Banned?

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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by Vod » Sat May 16, 2015 9:28 pm

Rhinzual30 wrote:
Nain wrote:
Clarification on safe-spotting
Attacking other players while standing on a spot where the guards cannot reach you is no longer allowed, casting through roofs is considered bug abuse.

I used to sit on Goldshire's roof, the roofs in Crossroads, and the roofs in Gadgetzan all day in retail, and never once did I receive a single message from a GM for it. In some towns, guards simply couldn't reach players at times, and they didn't have the knockback spell.

So what's the big deal? Why are you banning safe-spotting? Is this server becoming a place for carebears? Switch to PvE if so. Casting through roofs is an abuse, yes, but standing on a spot where guards cannot reach you is bannable? What the fuck is that?

Pretty sure Blizzard added guards with ranged weapons to kill rooftop campers because even they didn't agree with it. So yes, rooftop camping is an exploit.

They changed vanish to not drop guard aggro, I guess anyone who vanishes guard aggro is exploiting. :roll:
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by Robotron » Sat May 16, 2015 9:37 pm

Parkway wrote:Guards in neutral cities had guns with knockback power since 1.7 on retail, so cry as much as you want, it was not allowed.

We're playing on 1.3.2, not 1.7.

Why do I defend safe-spotting despite being unable to take advantage of it? Because that's how it was back in the day, and the purpose of this server is to emulate that, flaws and all. I have a whole laundry list of things I wish would be changed, but I'm not going to cry about it.
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by StraightFromCompton » Sat May 16, 2015 9:44 pm

Parkway wrote:Guards in neutral cities had guns with knockback power since 1.7 on retail, so cry as much as you want, it was not allowed.

All it says is safe-spotting. It doesn't specify neutral cities, and I think they added the knockback to the guards.

Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by Scamp » Sat May 16, 2015 9:46 pm

Nain wrote:
Clarification on safe-spotting
Attacking other players while standing on a spot where the guards cannot reach you is no longer allowed, casting through roofs is considered bug abuse.

I used to sit on Goldshire's roof, the roofs in Crossroads, and the roofs in Gadgetzan all day in retail, and never once did I receive a single message from a GM for it. In some towns, guards simply couldn't reach players at times, and they didn't have the knockback spell.

I used to multibox on retail all the time, never got banned. Blizzard allowed that.

On nost you can't even twink an alt via dungeons using alt-tab. The rules are different, for better or worse.

I think the requirement that you don't escape guards is that it's a good base line.
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by StraightFromCompton » Sat May 16, 2015 10:21 pm

Scamp wrote:
Nain wrote:
Clarification on safe-spotting
Attacking other players while standing on a spot where the guards cannot reach you is no longer allowed, casting through roofs is considered bug abuse.

I used to sit on Goldshire's roof, the roofs in Crossroads, and the roofs in Gadgetzan all day in retail, and never once did I receive a single message from a GM for it. In some towns, guards simply couldn't reach players at times, and they didn't have the knockback spell.

I used to multibox on retail all the time, never got banned. Blizzard allowed that.

On nost you can't even twink an alt via dungeons using alt-tab. The rules are different, for better or worse.

I think the requirement that you don't escape guards is that it's a good base line.

That's only in place because the server is free.

Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by g0dl1k3 » Sat May 16, 2015 10:37 pm

yea this recent rule change really concerns me, safespotting SHOULD be allowed
its a domino effect and they are going to keep adding more and more "rules" to cater to shitters who cry about everything.

I encourage horde to camp the everliving fuck out of darkshire, you dont need to get on a roof and the gaurds are so low level that you will not aggro.
I personally will keep my 60 in darkshire and make sure that alliance can not level there when i am online.
Last edited by Pottu on Sat May 16, 2015 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixed your double post
undead lock- lvl 60
human mage- currently leveling
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by g0dl1k3 » Sat May 16, 2015 10:41 pm

Don't double post, rather edit your earlier post.
Last edited by Pottu on Sat May 16, 2015 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Double post
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by MrSkellington » Sat May 16, 2015 11:12 pm

g0dl1k3 wrote:yea this recent rule change really concerns me, safespotting SHOULD be allowed
its a domino effect and they are going to keep adding more and more "rules" to cater to shitters who cry about everything.

I encourage horde to camp the everliving fuck out of darkshire, you dont need to get on a roof and the gaurds are so low level that you will not aggro.
I personally will keep my 60 in darkshire and make sure that alliance can not level there when i am online.

And then there's this dweeb. The righteous upholder of the law.

Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by Tam » Sun May 17, 2015 7:12 am

Robotron wrote:We're playing on 1.3.2, not 1.7.

with 1.12 skills, yeahs
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Re: Safe-Spotting Banned?

by Tam » Sun May 17, 2015 7:23 am

Robotron wrote:
Parkway wrote:Guards in neutral cities had guns with knockback power since 1.7 on retail, so cry as much as you want, it was not allowed.

We're playing on 1.3.2, not 1.7.

content wise its not 1.3 -> bgs r released already
mechanic wise its not 1.3 -> u r using 1.12 skills

I personally will keep my 60 in darkshire and make sure that alliance can not level there when i am online.

untill first 60 alliance character
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