Rhinzual30 wrote:Nain wrote:Clarification on safe-spotting
Attacking other players while standing on a spot where the guards cannot reach you is no longer allowed, casting through roofs is considered bug abuse.
I used to sit on Goldshire's roof, the roofs in Crossroads, and the roofs in Gadgetzan all day in retail, and never once did I receive a single message from a GM for it. In some towns, guards simply couldn't reach players at times, and they didn't have the knockback spell.
So what's the big deal? Why are you banning safe-spotting? Is this server becoming a place for carebears? Switch to PvE if so. Casting through roofs is an abuse, yes, but standing on a spot where guards cannot reach you is bannable? What the fuck is that?
Pretty sure Blizzard added guards with ranged weapons to kill rooftop campers because even they didn't agree with it. So yes, rooftop camping is an exploit.
They changed vanish to not drop guard aggro, I guess anyone who vanishes guard aggro is exploiting.