by bockhorn » Mon May 18, 2015 3:07 pm
To all you who complain about this ban: grow the fuck up, seriously. Ultimately what it comxiaes down to is an immature person who won't cease his harassment even after being politely told to (by GM, should be added). There is no power-abuse whatsoever involved in this action. The chain of events was this: Guy harasses some RP event > gets told to stop by a GM > does not stop > gets muted for 3 hours. No big deal. Its not like he got insta-ban for a week. Even if it is questionable whether this constitutes as harassment (as we arent on an RP server, but his alleged use of 'sexual emotes' strongly implies harassment), its not like the consequences are dire. Said person simply need to grow up and the rest of you who defends his 'right to troll' need to do so as well. This would have been no big deal if OP hadn't made this post.
Also, The GM in question, Demonize, is a really nice fella. He helped my guild instantly to reset onyxia this wednesday when it was still bugged for us. He actually took his time, joined our raid, and really made sure that everyone in it had Onyxia resetted. So Demonize, if you are reading this, thanks again man!
Rogue class leader of Onslaught