RP is Serious Business

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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Thompz » Mon May 18, 2015 7:16 am

This just sounds like some over sensitive RP kids couldn't use the ignore feature and some guy having a bit of a troll got punished for it?
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Nain » Mon May 18, 2015 7:30 am

Thompz wrote:This just sounds like some over sensitive RP kids couldn't use the ignore feature and some guy having a bit of a troll got punished for it?

When a player ignores another player, it also locks that player's emotes away too. GMs need to not be interfering in everything so much. It seems like this kind of stuff is becoming a daily occurrence.

"player harassment" sure is a broad term. a boundary should be found.
Last edited by Nain on Mon May 18, 2015 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Membraniac » Mon May 18, 2015 7:35 am

Oh, a moron got muted. Seems to me like the staff did their job well and everyone's experience will improve.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Astixium » Mon May 18, 2015 7:46 am

I will ignore the OP and I will get straight to my point, is there a guild named Alixium on Alliance? I just found how I will name my Ally char if I ever make one.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Umbassa » Mon May 18, 2015 8:09 am

I see a few sides to this issue.

First and foremost this is a PvP server. A densely populated one at that.

With that being said, I think that it's safe to say that most people here do not RP or have ever had exposure to it.

After all, this is Nostalrius we're talking about here.

Have you seen general chat in Elwynn Forest? All they see are a bunch of autistics gathered in a circle, they don't know what's going on. They don't even care.

It's understandable that there would be a few belligerent assholes who would crash the party.

On a normal basis they tear into each other with "dank" memes and the harshest words that an 8th grader could ever possibly conceive, why would we be any different to them?

Their confusion is understandable when they are being muted for being disruptive shitheads because to them it's really just how they interact with each other.

However, this is a different context. This is an event. you can't just go up and disrupt events because you don't understand why someone would waste their time differently from how you would waste your own.

(Sorry, gotta edit this a million times over. I am very tired and possibly dyslexic)
Umbassa - lvl 30 Night Elf Rogue

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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Simonich » Mon May 18, 2015 10:23 am

Damn, I'm horde and apparently horde doesn't do these kind of events....anyway

It is harrasment and I agree with the GMs action.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Tali » Mon May 18, 2015 2:32 pm

With all due respect, if you weren't there you don't know what exactly took place. As I mentioned, normally people like this just get ignored and "someone having a bit of a troll" doesn't even blip on our radar. If we reported every person that tried to poke at the RPers for their own amusement the GMs would get flooded with tickets. As I and Witcher said, that's not what happened here. OP not only took it too far, he also tried to get more people to show up and harass people at the event and then came here to the forums to misrepresent what happened after he got muted. Again, nobody's going to report anyone for not RPing in the middle of an RP event or not RPing well enough. Most of us have been playing WoW for a very long time- we're really used to getting poked at by now and that hypersensitivity you claim has long gone out the window.

That said, the Nostalrius ToS specifically forbids "player harassment, racist or offensive sentiments." This is the internet and I've been playing games long enough to know that we're not all going to hold hands, sing, and get along, and that the ignore function is there for a reason, but this kind of behavior is still against the rules and that there is a risk when you break them.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by bockhorn » Mon May 18, 2015 3:07 pm

To all you who complain about this ban: grow the fuck up, seriously. Ultimately what it comxiaes down to is an immature person who won't cease his harassment even after being politely told to (by GM, should be added). There is no power-abuse whatsoever involved in this action. The chain of events was this: Guy harasses some RP event > gets told to stop by a GM > does not stop > gets muted for 3 hours. No big deal. Its not like he got insta-ban for a week. Even if it is questionable whether this constitutes as harassment (as we arent on an RP server, but his alleged use of 'sexual emotes' strongly implies harassment), its not like the consequences are dire. Said person simply need to grow up and the rest of you who defends his 'right to troll' need to do so as well. This would have been no big deal if OP hadn't made this post.

Also, The GM in question, Demonize, is a really nice fella. He helped my guild instantly to reset onyxia this wednesday when it was still bugged for us. He actually took his time, joined our raid, and really made sure that everyone in it had Onyxia resetted. So Demonize, if you are reading this, thanks again man!
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by Xylon666Darkstar » Mon May 18, 2015 3:54 pm

Deserved. If you're going to be toxic towards others and harass, get banned/muted. This obviously goes for you too, ' g0dl1k3'. You have no pedestal or standard worth speaking from in what direction or how the server goes with your track record.
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Re: RP is Serious Business

by tuck3r » Mon May 18, 2015 5:19 pm

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:Deserved. If you're going to be toxic towards others and harass, get banned/muted. This obviously goes for you too, ' g0dl1k3'. You have no pedestal or standard worth speaking from in what direction or how the server goes with your track record.

My opinion means just as much as yours, probably more actually because im better
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