Is the orphan quest bugged?

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Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by Bioness » Wed May 27, 2015 5:12 am

Not knowing how a quest work = buggy

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Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by PoorYorec » Wed May 27, 2015 5:23 am

Bioness wrote:Not knowing how a quest work = buggy


I'm fairly sure the final quest for this event in retail vanilla WoW wasn't meant to be gotten by some random guard in Duskwood. I could be wrong though, vanilla was pretty obtuse with stuff in general.

Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by kaba » Wed May 27, 2015 6:59 am

PoorYorec wrote:
Bioness wrote:Not knowing how a quest work = buggy


I'm fairly sure the final quest for this event in retail vanilla WoW wasn't meant to be gotten by some random guard in Duskwood. I could be wrong though, vanilla was pretty obtuse with stuff in general.

You are correct. The final quest is supposed to be given by the orphan after you've showed him all the places. For horde this is the case.
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Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by Skyy » Thu May 28, 2015 3:30 pm

To save making a new thread i'll ask here. Is this quest worth having?

I, like everyone else, can't get the whistle, and if Aunstic is correct then we will not get the whistle until next year. if this is the case (that the quest is impossible to complete) I'd like to know so I can free up a quest spot.


Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by Bioness » Thu May 28, 2015 4:16 pm

PoorYorec wrote:
Bioness wrote:Not knowing how a quest work = buggy


I'm fairly sure the final quest for this event in retail vanilla WoW wasn't meant to be gotten by some random guard in Duskwood. I could be wrong though, vanilla was pretty obtuse with stuff in general.

I gave a link in this thread for the NPC, if you disagree post a link proving it is wrong.
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Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by Viorus » Thu May 28, 2015 4:38 pm

I had no problems with either of the Orphan Quests.
Viorin, 60 Night Elf Druid (USA), Knight-Champion

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Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by PoorYorec » Thu May 28, 2015 5:26 pm

Bioness wrote:
PoorYorec wrote:
Bioness wrote:Not knowing how a quest work = buggy


I'm fairly sure the final quest for this event in retail vanilla WoW wasn't meant to be gotten by some random guard in Duskwood. I could be wrong though, vanilla was pretty obtuse with stuff in general.

I gave a link in this thread for the NPC, if you disagree post a link proving it is wrong.

I managed to get the quest from that NPC no problem, but the issue at hand is that there is no way for me to get the whistle despite this quest still being available. I should be able to just talk to Orphan Matron Nightingale in Stormwind and get the whistle but I cannot for some reason.

Re: Is the orphan quest bugged?

by Skoll » Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:43 pm

As far i remember reward for orphan quests is a... pet. Tho don't remember name of this pet...

If I had to choose I prefer to have "orphan pet" than any other :D
And yes, i still got whistle in my backpack and it works like a charm.

Secondly, it seems to me that something they are doing with this quest because... couple days ago I summoned orphan and over his head appear quest exclamation mark. Grayed one so i don't know I don't meet requirements or it is something else...

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