Does this server have mods?

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Re: Does this server have mods?

by tuck3r » Fri May 22, 2015 12:10 pm

Setup wrote:
applesmacked wrote:The barrens is a racist cesspool.

European detected.

Rather than ruining the play experience of other individuals because you don't like what they have to say, how about you make use of your ignore button?

This ^^
I really hope the GMs dont start catering to the minority from tumblr complaining about "racism", if somebody says something you dont like then just ignore them, end of story.
I would be disappointed if i start to see people get chat bans for being "racist" or really anything in chat. You should not get in trouble for something you say in chat because wow has an ignore system in place.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 22, 2015 1:07 pm

I really hope the GMs start warning people for using racist language.

"It's the Internet; grow a thicker skin and get used to it!" - I don't tolerate racism from people in real life, so why should I tolerate it on the Internet? News flash: the Internet is a communications medium for REAL LIFE PEOPLE. It's the fucking 21st century; leave your 1950's bullshit to your racist grandpa.

"It's just words on a screen!" - It's perpetuating the idea that some races are inferior to others. News flash: All people are created equal.

"Just /ignore them!" - The ignore list has a limit. And why should we as an online society tolerate racism in this day and age?

"Leave /world!" - Since World is used for everything from LFG to trade, you basically want people to cripple themselves because other people are being racists. That's insane.

And if you really can't express your feelings about someone else without calling them a racial slur, get off of the Internet and get psychological help. You're fucking damaged.

Looking forward to all the "care bear" and "You triggered me, you SJW!" responses the idiots will come up with.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by tuck3r » Fri May 22, 2015 1:54 pm

@PanTheSatyr You cant be serious. If you are then please leave.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by Antipatra » Fri May 22, 2015 2:43 pm

I turn off general and trade when I have a group. This kind of thing doesn't even bother me, I just don't want my chat flooded. I ignore people I don't like.

Like last night. Trying to do a quest with the guild. Bunch of asshats keep stealing our quest claiming they were there first. Oh well. I'll come back later. Everyone else stays there to argue. I don't get it.

Re: Does this server have mods?

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 22, 2015 2:52 pm

tuck3r wrote:@PanTheSatyr You cant be serious. If you are then please leave.

I'm 100% serious. If you want to sprout racist shit, then YOU gtfo.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by tuck3r » Fri May 22, 2015 2:54 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:
tuck3r wrote:@PanTheSatyr You cant be serious. If you are then please leave.

I'm 100% serious. If you want to sprout racist shit, then YOU gtfo.

if somebody says something you dont want to hear the ignore them, dont whine on the forums over people being "racist"
also are you even 60 yet? lol
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 22, 2015 3:17 pm

Racist language is against the Terms of Service:

PvP Realm
Malachic - Lv 60 Mage (Frost)
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Malahunt - Lv 60 Hunter (Bang/Twang)

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Re: Does this server have mods?

by holkan » Fri May 22, 2015 3:48 pm

Yeah if you see racist chat report them they'll get a warning and if they keep it up they get chat restricted. If they STILL keep doing it they get banned.

Re: Does this server have mods?

by Hyunckel » Fri May 22, 2015 4:43 pm

I love how the keyboard warriors jump on the "poor little crybabies".

IRL, if you insult people's race, religion, ethnics etc you're in for a bad time.

People love to act tough behind their keyboard cause they can't have repercussions, that's why retail is so crap nowadays thanks to cross realm servers and instant look for xxx tools.

The thing is, you can't have an infinite amount of people on your ignore list. I don't think IgnoreMore works on 1.12.1 either.

People who say "just turn around, close your eyes / ears, ignore it" are the kind of people who would let a poor girl get raped in the train in front of them.

Ignoring atrocities is the best way to let that crap become worse.

I don't think the admins cater to a 1% vocal minority spouting racist slurrs and 'heil hitler' crap on a channel all day. If that 1% is ruining it for a lot of people, a lot of them might just drop the server altogether.

I don't think the admins want people to leave because of the stupidity of a few morons.
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Re: Does this server have mods?

by Antipatra » Fri May 22, 2015 4:52 pm

Hyunckel wrote:People who say "just turn around, close your eyes / ears, ignore it" are the kind of people who would let a poor girl get raped in the train in front of them.

You are comparing freedom of speech to a violent crime. Settle down. Ignore, report, end of story. Quit fucking crying about it.


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