How many quests does vanilla wow have?

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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by ninjacarldk » Fri May 22, 2015 11:20 pm

grimnarr wrote:There are 4244 quests in stock mangos 1.12.1.

Thanks for answering my question. Do you have any idea of how many of those are alliance or horde or neutral quests?
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Eyeful » Sat May 23, 2015 10:37 am

Robotron wrote:You still play? I haven't seen you online in weeks.

Just waiting till they drop some new content. Saw DM was being tested with some grizz members, but still seems a ways from being released. I've just played on too many servers where MC / ony was the only thing being farmed aside from ZG. AV is also another reason to come back, but no word on that yet.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Pottu » Sat May 23, 2015 4:54 pm

Eyeful wrote:It's probably much less than 500, since some quests are horde only / ally only. Unless you were just asking about total in the game in all, and not completed by a single character. This is one of the reasons many people "hate" playing on a 1x server for vanilla, since it will practically force you to grind levels at certain parts of the game, instead of just leveling from quests alone.

This is not true at all and I feel the need to correct you, because this misconception seems to be extremely widespread. There are more than enough quests to level from 1 to 60 without ever grinding. Full questing does require you to do dungeon/instance quests and those time consuming, let's-travel-the-world chains. Some quests are hard to find and sometimes you need to move from zone to zone to zone, but it is certainly doable. Of course, combining questing and grinding is the fastest way to level.

I'll use Teldrassil as an example: in addition to the "normal" quest you easily pickup and do in Shadowglen and Dolanaar, there are few "hidden" quests that are easy to miss, like the two glowing tree quests, rescuing Mist near Oracle Glade and killing Lady Shatrah. Many players want to skip The Relics of the Awakening because it takes a lot of time and patience to complete but then you not only miss that quest, you miss out on it's followup and both award a fair number of XP. It's also fairly easy to miss Moon Priestess Amara's quest as she patrols the road between Darnassus and Dolanaar. However, if you take the time to do all those quests, you will be level 12 when you go to Auberdine.

Same thing then repeats in Darkshore. Many players do not know that Gelkak Gyromast exists in the far north shore and gives out two lucrative, easy-to-do quests or that they can rescue Therylune from inside Master's Glade or that there are nine(!) Beached Sea Creature/Turtle quests in addition to the two Washed Ashore ones that you are given by Gwennyth. If a player bothers to do all these quests, they are 22-23 when they leave for Ashenvale and that doesn't include doing any quests in The Deadmines!

Using and checking the quests for a zone can be of great assistance in locating quests to do.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Eyeful » Sat May 23, 2015 10:04 pm


I only mentioned the 500, since someone linked the quests section in a previous post, and I was only assuming it was correct info. So my biased "misconception" about there only be so little quests, was only based off info presented in the thread. I also want to divulged some information to you as well, since we're doing the whole info sharing thing. This server doesn't actually have all the quests in the game out yet. Searing gorge is a great example to a questing gap in experience, since it is missing some major chains for a good chunk of exp. This is where you have to either go back and do some dungeon / group quests in different zones, or grind it out.

I was also under the mindset in my response that they are going to solo level. This means you skip any dungeon / group quests you couldn't solo. Yet with such a high population, group and dungeon quests are probably much easier to complete now. However, I will state that around the 58-60 mark, you will run out of quests that give reasonable exp. This is where you will notice that grinding, or doing a dungeon farm, are going to be your main options to get those last chunks of exp. Vanilla was notorious for being in a lack of quests to comfortably level to 60; BC had to rework the entire process.

So my repose was in quick reply to someone linking info from another site, and not a typical "grind or die" remark to quests. If I were to guess personally, from what is available to players atm on the server, I'd say we're around 1.8-2k total quests possible on the server, then take off a few for horde / ally side only quests.

Last little tidbit : Even the best possible questing guides for vanilla content have you grind at least half or more of 59 to 60, since there is a lack of quests that are viable. That alone is around a couple of hours worth of grinding. That is, if you don't get ganked repeatedly.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Robotron » Sat May 23, 2015 10:16 pm

Well, we can use the Wrath of the Lich King achievement system to give us a very good ballpark.

For Horde, you had to complete 700 quests in Kalimdor and 550 quests in Eastern Kingdoms to earn Loremaster for them. For Alliance, it was 730 Kalimdor quests (later nerfed to 685 for Horde and 700 for Alliance) and 700 Eastern Kingdoms quests. Bear in mind this was as of 3.0, and there were a fair number of quests (a few dozen at least) added to Vanilla when Burning Crusade and possibly Wrath launched. Additionally, those achievements were very tightly tuned, as in there were not many extra quests, so you had to search every square inch of the old world to get them.

With these numbers in mind, we need to make ample reduction for the expansion-added quests (like the Burning Legion ones in Ashenvale, some extra Grom'gol quests in STV, etc) and all of the "future patch" Vanilla quests we're lacking, like most of SG, and we wind up with, probably, around 1,000 per side. Then we have to deduct the overlap, where both factions get the same quests, like Booty Bay and Shimmering Flats.
Last edited by Robotron on Sun May 24, 2015 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by ninjacarldk » Sun May 24, 2015 12:13 am

Robotron wrote:Well, we can use the Wrath of the Lich King achievement system to give us a very good ballpark.

For Horde, you had to complete 700 quests in Kalimdor and 550 quests in Eastern Kingdoms to earn Loremaster for them. For Alliance, it was 730 Kalimdor quests (later nerfed to 685 for Horde and 700 for Alliance). Bear in mind this was as of 3.0, and there were a fair number of quests (a few dozen at least) added to Vanilla when Burning Crusade and possibly Wrath launched. Additionally, those achievements were very tightly tuned, as in there were not many extra quests, so you had to search every square inch of the old world to get them.

How many quests was it for alliance eastern kingdoms?
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Robotron » Sun May 24, 2015 12:38 am

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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by ceen2 » Sun May 24, 2015 12:08 pm

Grinding >> questing, I dont quest at all.
Mobs are camped npc are camped - just too many people on this server to quest properly.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Pottu » Sun May 24, 2015 1:54 pm

Eyeful wrote:I only mentioned the 500

That's alright, I wasn't attacking you personally, you just happened to be the first poster to repeat the wrong idea that vanilla doesn't have enough quests to get to 60.

Eyeful wrote:Searing gorge is a great example to a questing gap in experience, since it is missing some major chains for a good chunk of exp. This is where you have to either go back and do some dungeon / group quests in different zones, or grind it out.

You don't actually have to do a single quest in SG, as you can cover that level range with quests from STV, Feralas, Tanaris, Un'Goro, The Hinterlands, Swamp of Sorrows and Blasted Lands. You are of course right in the fact that many of the big SG chains are currently missing.

Eyeful wrote:However, I will state that around the 58-60 mark, you will run out of quests that give reasonable exp. This is where you will notice that grinding, or doing a dungeon farm, are going to be your main options to get those last chunks of exp. Vanilla was notorious for being in a lack of quests to comfortably level to 60; BC had to rework the entire process.

Halfway through the life of Burning Crusade, Blizzard released a massive content patch that increased XP gain, nerfed many mobs from elite to normal and introduced a bunch of quests, especially in Dustwallow Marsh but elsewhere as well but I wouldn't call it "reworking the entire process". Even before that however, you do not run out of quests that give reasonable experience. The 58-60 mark has quests in Silithus, Winterspring and both Plague Lands even if they player has already cleaned out Felwood, Burning Steppes and Un'Goro Crater. That's without doing dungeon quests in Blackrock Spire, Scholomance and Stratholme.

Eyeful wrote:Last little tidbit : Even the best possible questing guides for vanilla content have you grind at least half or more of 59 to 60, since there is a lack of quests that are viable. That alone is around a couple of hours worth of grinding. That is, if you don't get ganked repeatedly.

The guides do that for speed and convenience, as they are aimed at the solo player that wants to get to 60 as fast as possible. It's faster to grind at a good spot than it is to do many of the high-end quests, not due to lack of quests. I haven't had to grind with any of my characters, ever, and I always had plenty of quests left when I hit 60.

Different players prefer different play styles, and both questing and grinding and any mix of them are entirely viable.
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Re: How many quests does vanilla wow have?

by Diametra » Sun May 24, 2015 7:42 pm

Pottu has made some really awesome points here. I'm currently leveling a toon in darkshore now and looking for the quests he referenced.
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