Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by tuck3r » Sun May 24, 2015 1:15 am

DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

learn to take a joke dude
Corazon wrote:
DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

To expect any better will only leave you disappointed. This is Nostalrius, where bad ideas are supported and defended because "blizzard did it". This server is free from all logic.

Logic is for pussies. (you get a cookie if you get the reference)

the more you people cry the more it makes me want to camp u all
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Arador » Sun May 24, 2015 2:42 am

Thanks fellow chucklers. I did state that I know this is a PvP server, and I understand the limits. I have played WoW for almost as long as it has been around, and have one very pointed question for you. Have any of you ever tried to get an Alliance side task force together? I know it's been done as I have "heard" stories, but have never actually seen it. :-D

There is a difference between ganking lowbies in a PvP setting, and actually preventing people from playing the game. I am not whining about getting killed, I in fact expect it when I walk into a contested area, I am complaining about a POS pussy player.

And to have a GM applaud this behavior....wow, ok then. Then just reminds me so much of Eve and why I stopped playing and supporting that game.

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by TheStreak » Sun May 24, 2015 3:19 am

DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

Unnacceptable...? To who?

The solutions are many: don't play, play somewhere else, beat him to death with your own 60's, call in other 60's, or roll on some other server - one that that isn't PVP...

In the a last day I think I've been ganked at least a dozen times by alliance skulls. Who cares!? Should they all receive warnings for hurting my sensitive feelings, and wasting my oh-so-valuable time...?!

What is your solution? What SYSTEM would you advocate for policing such behavior?

How could this system not be an imposition on the THOUSANDS of players not engaged in the same activity but having popped an enemy character much lower than them. Or one that patrols and killls peopel much lower that are actively ganking...?

No, best they pay such stupid complaints no attention whatsoever and focus on guys like this which I recorded yesterday in Durotar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4D5f2z ... e=youtu.be

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by norm964bgb » Sun May 24, 2015 6:43 am

Arador wrote:Thanks fellow chucklers. I did state that I know this is a PvP server, and I understand the limits. I have played WoW for almost as long as it has been around, and have one very pointed question for you. Have any of you ever tried to get an Alliance side task force together? I know it's been done as I have "heard" stories, but have never actually seen it. :-D

There is a difference between ganking lowbies in a PvP setting, and actually preventing people from playing the game. I am not whining about getting killed, I in fact expect it when I walk into a contested area, I am complaining about a POS pussy player.

And to have a GM applaud this behavior....wow, ok then. Then just reminds me so much of Eve and why I stopped playing and supporting that game.

You are NEVER prevented from playing the game. If you can't get quest in Redridge, go i nthe far northeast corner and grind the Orcs or do a dungeon. You always can level and with the right class its arguably faster than questing. So don't pretend you can't play the game as though you get DDoSed by these griefers... you are not, suck it up, play the game.
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Corazon » Sun May 24, 2015 7:04 am

tuck3r wrote:the more you people cry the more it makes me want to camp u all

Who are you trying to fool, you couldn't camp a tent.
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Eyeful » Sun May 24, 2015 8:55 am

I think I found the link to report a player for killing you ingame.
Fell free to tell them all about it, as I'm sure they care deeply.
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Vardia » Sun May 24, 2015 1:43 pm

Eyeful wrote:I think I found the link to report a player for killing you ingame.
Fell free to tell them all about it, as I'm sure they care deeply.

Vardia Undead Mage
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Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by DonDeLaVega » Sun May 24, 2015 4:19 pm

TheStreak wrote:
DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

Unnacceptable...? To who?

The solutions are many: don't play, play somewhere else, beat him to death with your own 60's, call in other 60's, or roll on some other server - one that that isn't PVP...

In the a last day I think I've been ganked at least a dozen times by alliance skulls. Who cares!? Should they all receive warnings for hurting my sensitive feelings, and wasting my oh-so-valuable time...?!

What is your solution? What SYSTEM would you advocate for policing such behavior?

How could this system not be an imposition on the THOUSANDS of players not engaged in the same activity but having popped an enemy character much lower than them. Or one that patrols and killls peopel much lower that are actively ganking...?

No, best they pay such stupid complaints no attention whatsoever and focus on guys like this which I recorded yesterday in Durotar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4D5f2z ... e=youtu.be

not the player's behaviour. i said i dont mind ganking.
the GMs behaviour. he could just ignore it, since its not a GM issue.
but instead he took the time to congratulate and encourage the grey killer.

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Lobreeze » Sun May 24, 2015 4:27 pm

that screenshot is fuckin hilarious

Re: Harrasment on Nostalrius Begins server

by Diametra » Sun May 24, 2015 6:25 pm

Corazon wrote:
DonDeLaVega wrote:BUT, for a GM to actually congratulate and support such a behaviour is just unacceptable.

To expect any better will only leave you disappointed. This is Nostalrius, where bad ideas are supported and defended because "blizzard did it". This server is free from all logic.

Logic is for pussies. (you get a cookie if you get the reference)

There is nothing reasonable about this GM conversation. It defies reason and clearly lacks any foresight. Everyone expects "better" that is a reasonable expectation and your implications lack any basis.

I get the reference, and who might you be corazon?
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