riq and snog wrote:People who choose their race based on racial profit are dumb.
I never played ud, cow or troll for mains. Why?
because i like boots to be closed:-)
riq and snog wrote:People who choose their race based on racial profit are dumb.
I never played ud, cow or troll for mains. Why?
because i like boots to be closed:-)
riq and snog wrote:People who choose their race based on racial profit are dumb.
Robotron wrote:riq and snog wrote:People who choose their race based on racial profit are dumb.
No, they min-max. When you played at the level I played at once race/faction change became available, you went the optimal race.
Robotron wrote:Human rogue or GTFO. Burning Crusade is certainly where racial min-maxing was at its highest, by far. In Vanilla, it's not as big, considering lots racials were straight up garbage in PVE. To use an example I'm familiar with, let's look at Horde rogues. Blood Fury is hot garbage and can't be used on fights with constant AoE damage. In current gear, rogues can die very easily on most MC fights, and MSing yourself is a bad idea most of the time. On top of this, the orc racial is an increase to base and not total attack power, and rogues can't use axes to take advantage of the racial spec. The troll haste racial is horribly bad, but at least it can be used all the time for its negligible DPS boost. There are a ton of fights in Vanilla where you get feared and MC'd, as Vanilla had less mechanics and less variety with mechanics, so the same ones got reused often, making WotF one of the best racials on fights where you would otherwise not DPS for up to 8 seconds due to a fear, like Magmadar. Honestly, it's really close, unlike later on when WotF was nerfed and Blood Fury was buffed. At that point, especially in Wrath, it was orc or go home.
And you always wanted dwarf priests. Always.
Robotron wrote:Blood Fury was basically an AP trinket. They just made it give more AP and removed the self-Mortal Strike effect, turning it into a straight DPS increase. Their Weapon Skill racial changed to Expertise for their racial weapons when the stat changed.
Robotron wrote:Racials were straight up fucked. TBC = go Alliance for PVE, or you're mentally handicapped. Party-wide 1% hit from draenei, human Weapon Skill, more Fear Ward for Alliance, none for Horde, etc. Orc certainly was master race for DPS in TBC and Wrath, as there were no drawbacks, WotF got nerfed a bunch of times, and there was greater mechanic variety, meaning far fewer fights with fear or MC.