by Imbaslap » Mon May 25, 2015 6:36 am
scenario 1:
create a second realm
impose a faction cap
allow a cooldown of guild/character transfers of set allotted time to prevent server transfer abuse.
allow cross realm battlegrounds like patch 1.12.0, keeping it within the Nostalgia of Vanilla WoW.
gives the world pvp/questing/herbs/mining more of an actual blizzlike feel of how a populated server was back in 2005.
less stress on the world, instances, dungeons.
no login queues.
mirror content and patch releases. (no jumping servers to open AQ gates twice etc)
contending for realm firsts less stressful then against 30+ raiding guilds.
can farm consumbs/herbs/ore without quiting IRL job to do so.
lots of forum QQ.
PVE over pvp server QQ
more QQ resulting in wanting the Vanilla WoW emulation to be changed than what it was.
too much QQ, the second realm fails and population drops below playable amounts of 4,000 total population,
Admins would be forced to transfer everything back to original realm and turn realm B into TBC development realm for future play.
Scenario 2:
don't do anything.
let the QQ ensue on forums
ask for more donations to host a bigger server.
more forum QQ about world pvp and lag.
20 years later when Naxx is out, bring up same discussion about opening second realm for TBC development to contend with 20 year late released Corecraft.