Rafale wrote:I would come back to wow in a heartbeat if blizz made vanilla servers. I would love to experience it all again. By the way I don't mean this as a knock to current WOW, it's just something I would find incredibly fun.
I think the biggest challenges for an idea like this are a) would it be interesting enough to keep playing, and b) would there be enough sustained interest from other players to make the world feel alive. I could easily see the outcome being people logging in, going "wow the game is so much better now," and logging out. (CM_Lore)
IMO seeing how popular uh "theoretical" vanilla servers seem to be, I would say there is at least some demand.
Sure, there's definitely interest, even internally. We just don't think there's enough to offset the costs. (CM_Lore)
Personally, I'd 100% expect it to be something almost everyone just pokes at for a week or two and then drops. (CM_Lore)
Not really an effective use of time for devs who could be working on any number of features for the live game. (CM_Lore)
Speaking for myself, I'd love to go back and poke at classic. I just don't think I'd play it for long. (CM_Lore)
Or, the devs could just 'go back to the core roots', as it were. Yep, especially the class designs, every class used to be fun, but in WoD.
If that's the case, I think we'd rather focus on fixing the modern game. (CM_Lore)
SO much wrong with what that person said on MMO Champ:
-It should be a knock at current WoW, current WoW is atrocious.
-"I could easily see the outcome being people logging in, going "wow the game is so much better now," and logging out." LOLOLOLOL??? Sounds like something a Blizzard lap dog would say. I think anyone with half a brain knows theres nothing true about that statement.
-"Sure, there's definitely interest, even internally. We just don't think there's enough to offset the costs." Uhhh I think the problem is they don't THINK period thats why they're hemorrhaging subscribers
-No ones gonna just poke at it for a week, I can't believe someone would publish such a retarded statement.
-And an effective use of your time? Clearly you haven't been using your time effectively for the past 8 years! I'm still waiting for those amazing live features because everything you've given us is total crap.
-"Speaking for myself, I'd love to go back and poke at classic. I just don't think I'd play it for long." Good you're probably bad anyways. Do us a favor and don't try to fix any more games you're making them worse!
And I think they should also have to OPENLY admit to themselves AND the public that their previous stance was wrong. They should get on their hands and knees and beg consumers for forgiveness for how much they fucked up because a previous version is considered better.