Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Exist » Fri May 29, 2015 12:57 pm

Awww poor Nain :lol:

He can't keep farming the level 11's anymore, what is he going to do with all of this free time??
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Regnam1 » Fri May 29, 2015 1:14 pm

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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 29, 2015 2:00 pm

Nain wrote:Hi, I'm asking for clarification on the custom rule that was recently implemented due to a large volume of complaints coming from the lower-level playerbase about mistreatment from higher level opposite-faction players.

Let me translate:

Hi, I'm a horrible person who gets his kicks by ruining the game for other people. I'd like clarification on how horrible I can be now that you've implemented a "non-Blizzlike policy" to deal with douchebags like me. Can I be a horrible douchebag for more than 6 hours at a time, or am I limited to being a horrible douchebag for only an hour or two? This will really impact my ability to play the game because I am a horrible douchebag IRL and cannot play any other way.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Antipatra » Fri May 29, 2015 2:09 pm

Can we all agree to stop using the buzzword "blizzlike"? It's starting to get annoying.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Acillius » Fri May 29, 2015 2:27 pm

PanTheSatyr wrote:
Nain wrote:Hi, I'm asking for clarification on the custom rule that was recently implemented due to a large volume of complaints coming from the lower-level playerbase about mistreatment from higher level opposite-faction players.

Let me translate:

Hi, I'm a horrible person who gets his kicks by ruining the game for other people. I'd like clarification on how horrible I can be now that you've implemented a "non-Blizzlike policy" to deal with douchebags like me. Can I be a horrible douchebag for more than 6 hours at a time, or am I limited to being a horrible douchebag for only an hour or two? This will really impact my ability to play the game because I am a horrible douchebag IRL and cannot play any other way.

I laughed for a minute after reading this... haha

But your right people that have nothing better to do than ruin the game for other people (high levels spawn killing low level) because they find it fun it sucks. Honestly even when I was 60 back in Vanilla I never did this because unlike said person I have something call "compassion & Common Sense" something that 90% of the online community for Retail and Nos do not have.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Xylon666Darkstar » Fri May 29, 2015 2:29 pm

Get a Fucking job Nain you no class social outcast.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by Flaunt » Fri May 29, 2015 2:37 pm

I've never run into you in game, but the fact that you're asking how much time you're able to ruin other people's fun proves you're a complete low life anyway.

You're the exact reason this rule is being implemented. Hope to god you end up getting banned. Keep griefing low level players jackass.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by tuck3r » Fri May 29, 2015 2:44 pm

I have messaged viper and raazi about this 2 DAYS ago and have gotten no reply.
I was told the next time I kill a quest NPC (more specifically guard thomas) I would recieve a suspension.
I may have found another bug and that is where it says PvP next to the server name.
I am done playing on this server untill viper and raazi get back to me on how they changed this from a PvP server to a Normal/PvE server.
There are better games to spend my time on if this is how the staff is going to act, so untill im fucking allowed to kill enemy NPCs without getting BANNED im done with this server.
False advertisement on release schedule and now false advertisement on the server type.
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Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by cerebration » Fri May 29, 2015 3:04 pm

tuck3r wrote:I may have found another bug and that is where it says PvP next to the server name.

If your understanding for the term "PvP" is killing players 30 levels below you without giving them a chance to fight back then yes, you're probably right.

Re: Clarification On Non-Blizzlike Policy Of Nostalrius

by notgunnahappen » Fri May 29, 2015 3:39 pm

tuck3r wrote:I am done playing on this server

we did it reddit
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