GM's too partial

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Re: GM's too partial

by holkan » Fri May 29, 2015 6:34 pm

Its simple just dont exploit and you won't get banned. It doesn't matter how long it goes on or obvious the bug is have some integrity and play legit. Or don't and risk being banned its your choice, but don't come on the forums after exploiting something you knew you shouldn't be doing and say the gm's are too harsh because most of us don't want people cheating on the server regardless of how much it affects us its the principle of the matter.

Also its a private server there's always gonna be a shit ton of bugs and exploits that dont get fixed for a long time / go unnoticed just don't abuse them.

Re: GM's too partial

by Aunstic » Fri May 29, 2015 6:40 pm

strangebud wrote:now I'm a theif? who did i steal from?

How about a better example: A paleontologist finds a honey hole for great excavation of historical artifacts on someone else's property, the owner of said property files charges against the offender. If the offender gives back the assets - the charges are almost always dropped. This is a real world example

The analogy is based around thievery. You are not a thief.

The situation with the paleontologist wouldn't happen if he planned out where he would begin his excavation. Cities will tell you where someone else's land is and he can dig in the unowned land or ask for the owner's permission to begin his dig. No assets lost, he covered his back, and nothing has to be done in a court.

Your situation is different though.

Your assets gained are not so unique that you can just give it back. We don't know whether there are logs on gold made/lost for vendor/auction transactions or player trades/mails. If there are, you are not important enough to comb through the logs to see how much gold should be deducted from your character(s).

Claiming you spent nothing or claiming you wouldn't spend any of the gold made doesn't mean anything. Your intentions were to make gold so your intentions will either be selling gold for real-world profit, giving it away, or go against your claims to make transactions. You're not going to put in time and effort and just hoard gold.

A Class E (Permanent Ban) sanction lists examples of when this will be applied. Including, but not limited to, abusing in-game bugs.

All tangents that mention cross-checking Blizzard rules with Nostalrius rules should be ceased as rules are deterministic on the owner. You agreed to them when you took on the responsibility of your account.
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Re: GM's too partial

by PanTheSatyr » Fri May 29, 2015 6:40 pm

So the GM's are partial because they punished you for doing something you knew was an exploit. And your argument is that you are a dedicated player. So the GM's should bow down to you for... playing a free game they set up for you to play.

I'm not sure if I want what you're smoking or not.
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Re: GM's too partial

by strangebud » Fri May 29, 2015 6:55 pm

trust me you want what I'm smoking.

and yes i hoarded gold to save up for an epic mount, i had an intention of use but it didn't get to that.

Ok banned for cheating i get that, but a perma ban is not justice when OTHER people got a temporary ban and spent their gold. If the issue is - you exploited you get banned - then thats harsh and strict, but the REAL issue is the gold that was farmed… IF i didn't spend ANY and got perm banned, and others spend ohh 300g and got a temporary ban, where is the justice? Yes i exploited harder, but they got away with it.

Also, if I'm not important enough to have my logs parsed and combed, but I am an "extreme offender" with a permanent ban - shouldn't that warrant a concise investigation? And my assets can't be given back? Yes, intact, they can.

If you look at the logs it is obvious, not much combing to be done. Simple math. the bug can net you around XXg per hour that is static - GMs should see that with my ~XXXg roughly 15 hours of farming. It all adds up. But like I said, my point is that the GM's on this server do not care, they would rather ban and leave it up to the next person to discover an exploit and get banned. Sounds like a shit cycle to me.

This is beyond me at this point, its the issue of the exploit. Ban the exploiters taking advantage of a buggy server, but oh god don't fix it and let us play.

Re: GM's too partial

by Bioness » Fri May 29, 2015 7:02 pm

You got what you deserved.

The bug may get fixed, but that doesn't excuse the fact YOU took advantage of it.
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Re: GM's too partial

by strangebud » Fri May 29, 2015 7:11 pm

I took advantage yes, but I got what I deserved? I disagree.

Re: GM's too partial

by Jalepenos » Fri May 29, 2015 7:24 pm

strangebud wrote:I took advantage yes, but I got what I deserved? I disagree.

But your opinion on your crime doesn't matter.

Re: GM's too partial

by Vod » Fri May 29, 2015 7:29 pm

So either you had to do something out of the ordinary to "exploit" this fish, or I smell BS. If you were just in a spot fishing, and were making good money, I fail to see how this is banworthy.
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Re: GM's too partial

by Igen » Fri May 29, 2015 7:35 pm

Looking at the list of players who abused this bug, a threshold was decided, anyone who abused more than X received a permanent ban. This bug was fixed a few hours after we found out about it, however, it had been abused for several weeks, by several "dedicated" players who apparently didn't think of reporting it but instead preferred to abuse it for profit. Your ban is permanent.

I've never seen a bot insult me for stealing his mob.
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Re: GM's too partial

by strangebud » Fri May 29, 2015 7:48 pm

What is the threshold? I am very interested to know where I place in the dynamic range of this investigation. What was the threshold for temp ban? How much was the highest "X" and how much higher was it than those just above the threshold?

more importantly, why ban if you can just take back what i have exploited? it takes away the whole point of even having a threshold, that is my biggest concern.


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