Everythings ready?

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Re: Everythings ready?

by Magnifican » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:15 pm

Gunnis wrote:Wont you lose many players if your open after Kronos? Many here are also waiting there, and there is very little that makes one better than the other when none are out yet. Would just like to stress the point, that the first one out will get the biggest player base at start at least.
This is not to be regarded as a threat or an offensive statement just my lack of English skills!

I think you are spot on here. Both these servers are hyped and said to be close to perfection. The one that releases first will obviously get a head start in numbers. If the servers are stable and people like it, they will invest in it and chances are they wont be moving to another server if they play on one they enjoy and already have invested in and maybe even joined a good guild, made new friends and so on.
Scripting beats everything for me personally, so the best scripted server takes the cake. But if both servers are well scripted and one releases before the other, then the choice is easy :)
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Re: Everythings ready?

by SanderP » Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:46 pm

Just get it started or riot. ,)
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Re: Everythings ready?

by Letalis » Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:10 pm

Gunnis wrote:Wont you lose many players if your open after Kronos? Many here are also waiting there, and there is very little that makes one better than the other when none are out yet. Would just like to stress the point, that the first one out will get the biggest player base at start at least.[...]

^This +1. Agree completely.

Little I can add to it except that Kronos (Twinstar) is already better off as they have a steady player base since they have TBC/WoTLK/Cata realms up. I'm sure that quite a few of players from those realms have their eyes set on the Kronos realm. Thus releasing soon after them might be detrimental to the health of Nostalrius.

I'm aware of the fact that you won't give a definitive answer to what I've written here, nor should any Admin who still has all his marbles, but keep in mind that if you're not planing to release the server in the near future, you might as well hold it off until Kronos actually does come out and release Nos about a year later, once the player base has seen what Kronos had to offer and have grown unhappy about all of the things they find to be lacking. And there will be unhappy people. For such is the way of Private Servers - There's always a chunk of the population that are unsatisfied and are actively looking for an alternative.

Whatever your decision - Leave as little as possible to chance.

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Re: Everythings ready?

by Gunnis » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:00 pm

I will add an idea!
Kronos and Nos joins up, but keep their own realms? That way one would see PvE and PvP realms!
This would open up for battle groups with a way more active pvp base.
I thought I had more of an idea when I started typing but I find myself forgetting the rest. So more inc...
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Re: Everythings ready?

by kahari » Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:50 pm

In addition to beating Kronos to release, the Rebirth server is currently down (and possibly facing major rollbacks) so that's another group of players who might currently be looking for a new server. If the server is ready to go, a launch sooner rather than later is probably wise.

Re: Everythings ready?

by bellerophon » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:10 am

I'd suggest that we announce a release date in the following week or so. Having a release date will really set it apart from Kronos or any other project, and attract a lot more attention and interest. Attracting a population will be so much easier with an explicit release date. Kronos (or Corecraft, though it's TBC) can't announce a release date because they can't be sure if they can make the content polished by the time, but since Nolstarius is ready, why not?

Re: Everythings ready?

by LegendaryRonnie » Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:41 am

I would also like to see the issue of release date being taken seriously.Nostalrius has been poping up in various sites and forums in the past three months since there is a lot of interest in the community for a quality 1.12 server.

So far I've been able to conclude the following:

- Most people consider Kronos to be almost equal in terms of scripting, allthough those that claim to have tested both put Nostalrius slightly ahead.

- Everyone recognises the advatange Kronos has in terms of followers (someone posted a picture of Twinstar advertising their server in an actual mall, we're talking about real advertisement) plus it's easy to get a picture by comparing the hits each server's website gets per month.

- It is very likely that the majority will simply join whichever server launches first, since there is no real alternative.

Since you have all the content you plan on releasing ready an enormous opportunity presents itself.A server with a set release date will attract a lot more attention and you need to capitalise on your advantage.If you plan on delaying the launch, it is after all your decision, I would reccomend waiting until dust will have settled, which would be serveral months away.

Re: Everythings ready?

by Chaton » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:07 pm

LegendaryRonnie wrote:I would also like to see the issue of release date being taken seriously.Nostalrius has been poping up in various sites and forums in the past three months since there is a lot of interest in the community for a quality 1.12 server.

So far I've been able to conclude the following:

- Most people consider Kronos to be almost equal in terms of scripting, allthough those that claim to have tested both put Nostalrius slightly ahead.

- Everyone recognises the advatange Kronos has in terms of followers (someone posted a picture of Twinstar advertising their server in an actual mall, we're talking about real advertisement) plus it's easy to get a picture by comparing the hits each server's website gets per month.

- It is very likely that the majority will simply join whichever server launches first, since there is no real alternative.

Since you have all the content you plan on releasing ready an enormous opportunity presents itself.A server with a set release date will attract a lot more attention and you need to capitalise on your advantage.If you plan on delaying the launch, it is after all your decision, I would reccomend waiting until dust will have settled, which would be serveral months away.


Re: Everythings ready?

by Martin » Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:38 pm

LegendaryRonnie wrote:I would also like to see the issue of release date being taken seriously.Nostalrius has been poping up in various sites and forums in the past three months since there is a lot of interest in the community for a quality 1.12 server.

- Most people consider Kronos to be almost equal in terms of scripting, allthough those that claim to have tested both put Nostalrius slightly ahead.

- It is very likely that the majority will simply join whichever server launches first, since there is no real alternative.

Since you have all the content you plan on releasing ready an enormous opportunity presents itself.A server with a set release date will attract a lot more attention and you need to capitalise on your advantage.

I agree with this, if you guys only have a few remaining minor bugs and nothing unexpected to pop up, a release date could be crucial for getting a large population. We would all love that.
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Re: Everythings ready?

by mx420 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:46 pm

I dont mind waiting for a server... but waiting until "we have enough people interested" is not the best answer. Tell people a subscriber number you want and watch how much more enthusiasm there is to get to that goal.

If the team needs more time, then thats different... but if we are literally waiting for a certain number of people to be interested... the current system is taking longer to achieve that than necessary.


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