Rule clarification on alt leveling.

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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Draug » Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:40 pm

Chillout wrote:Trading bank alts, scouts, hate whisper alts are allowed afaik.

"Hate whispers alts" means cross-faction communication, which is forbidden on this server. As far as I know... :roll:
Level 59 Orc Warrior of <Kaamos> patiently waiting for Alterac Valley...
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Sunsi » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:35 pm

Hate whisper alts and cross faction /who spies are not allowed under the currently posted ruleset.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Xylon666Darkstar » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:50 pm

Traitor alt fags.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Holmes » Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:36 pm

Draug wrote:
Chillout wrote:Trading bank alts, scouts, hate whisper alts are allowed afaik.

"Hate whispers alts" means cross-faction communication, which is forbidden on this server. As far as I know... :roll:

so it also is forbidden when someone of the opposing faction yells "n i g g a" in your factions language? have seen dozen of ppl doing this
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Mdmadam » Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:42 pm

Game chat is not very well moderated even compared to the forum, which isn't either.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:41 pm

They can't even make it clear on the moderation forums, don't except it here.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Solmyr » Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:26 am

Sunsi wrote:No Solmyr, that is a clear violation. it is not a grey area.

Thank you for your opinion, however, you are no authority on the interpretation or enforcement of the rules. And given your inability to comprehend text, which I shall address below, I am glad you aren't.

Sunsi wrote:Clarification on multiboxing

Multiboxing refers to playing multiple separate characters simultaneously. This can either be achieved by using multiple separate machines to run the game or by running multiple separate instances of the game. It is against the rules to /follow level characters, run dungeons or raids with multiple characters, PvP with multiple characters, etc. There are only a few situations where multiboxing is allowed in Nostalrius, e.g.:

Trading items between accounts.
Professions, as long as no farming is involved;
i.e. You can have two characters ingame simultaneously for crafting, enchanting, or trading purposes.

This paragraph states multiboxing is not allowed except under certain listed circumstances. This means, in no uncertain terms, that it is illegal to do ANYTHING that is not expressly allowed. There is very little interpretation. The "grey area" is much smaller than you seem to think.

It states nothing of this sort. It provides examples of things that are allowed and not allowed. Apart from these specific examples the rule states that it is forbidden to play multiple characters simultaneously - in the example I provided, this does not occur.

Sunsi wrote:You may not have two characters logged in at the same time unless you are using the second one to trade the first an item, or to perform some tradeskill. Gathering professions are implicitly not allowed. Technically, nothing says the second character HAS to be kept in a city, but you can certainly consider the ice to be thin.

Again, this is entirely your own, flawed interpretation of the rules. There is no such thing as "thin ice" when it comes to rules - rules are either broken or they aren't.
Sunsi wrote:There is also nothing saying the trade or tradeskill action has to be be to your first character, although it is implied. Once again, the ice would be thin.

And this makes no sense whatsoever, it's not even consistent with your otherwise flawed interpretation. Cognitive dissonance?

Sunsi wrote:Given that it is their party and they can ban you if they want too, because they want too, I would not put a lot of trust in technicalities to save your butt. I imagine some will get away with it for a time, but eventually someone will fall through, get banned, and whine about how unfair it is on some other forum.

This paragraph is revealing as to why you're subconsciously misinterpreting the rules to stay on the safer side of what you perceive as a grey line - you do not appear to trust the decisions of Nostalrius' management and thus you create your own layer of protection by ensuring you will never appear on their radar as a false positive.

Do you know what kind of people take these precautions? People, who know they are violating the rules and thus fear coming under investigation of any sort. They are the ones, who say things such as what you just said above - "they can ban you if they want to, because they want to". Such people cannot comprehend why some bans happen, because they break the rules to begin with and thus are grown used to having the right to break them, therefore they end up with the mentality that the bans happen on a whim.
Sunsi wrote:Is this your confession?

And this is why it's so amusing, but also completely logical, that you would begin your argument with an accusation of rulebreaking at the other party in the discussion - it puts you on a [perceived] moral high-ground that in turn bestows upon you the confidence to argue a position that you would otherwise be hypocritical for you to argue.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Homer » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:52 am

You know who else takes those precautions people living in a police state fearing for there safety from the authorities. You tell them off for giving opinions yet your post is riddled with them.

Also your just plain ignorant and uninformed do some research mate, they had the same argument in the moderator forums and it was just as convoluted not even the staff themselves know the rules.

I could not be bothered debunking every point you made because its so illogical for example

"There is also nothing saying the trade or tradeskill action has to be be to your first character, although it is implied. Once again, the ice would be thin."

Makes complete sense I would explain it but its glaring obvious.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by Solmyr » Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:26 am

Two things are made clear from your post:

1. You believe Nostalrius is the equivalent of a police state, thus irrational fear of "grey lines" getting you banned is now rational.
2. You believe that the staff themselves do not know the rules. This is only true if you apply a very broad definition of the word "staff". A GM that was instituted yesterday might not know all the rules. Daemon and Viper, who wrote the rules, know them, though. It is their interpretation that matters, not that of a random GM.

The rest of your post is the typical high-horse rant that is common to these communities. You imply superiority and vast knowledge to the point where your sheer omniscience is sufficient reason not to engage in a debate.
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Re: Rule clarification on alt leveling.

by nervous » Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:41 am

Solmyr wrote:
Player has two accounts - X and Y. Both have lvl60 characters on them. He logs them in simultaneously and goes to Silithus with X and Felwood with Y. He tabs to X and begins grinding, Y is on the background, afk, doing nothing. He does that for a few minutes, then stops, tabs to Y and begins grinding on it, while X is afk. While both characters remain online for this entire process, there is no interaction between the two, no simultaneous commands by the player issues to the characters and, most importantly, he could have done that with a single account in vanilla, by logging in and logging out between the two characters, had they been on the same account. But logging in and logging out are a strain to both the server and the player and since no advantage is gained by doing it with two accounts, except not having to constantly login and out, it does not violate the intent of the guidelines.

I see the logic, but I'm still inclined to disagree.

Say for example a player is for whatever reason camping the Silithus Twilight Prophet on one character, and High Chief Winterfall in winterspring.

These places are very far from each other, and time is advantage in this game. The player with two accounts would have an advantage over the player that has two 60s on one account because he would be able to fly both to Silithus and Winterspring at the same time and begin chain farming quicker.

But let's ignore that and just assume both players parked their 60s in their respective spots already. Say the two account player kills the twilight prophet and by his timer High Chief winterfall should be up in 30 seconds. He tabs over to the winterspring character and notices a rogue riding up to contest the spawn. This knowledge of competition would be an advantage to the two account player that the single account player wouldn't have.

It's an extremely cherry picked example, but the logout timer means a lot when contesting high value spawns.

I can't really comment about the stress of the server from logging in and out constantly, because I'm ignorant to its mechanics, but I wouldn't expect it to be too troublesome being that it can handle around 5-6k players without seeing any packetloss from my end.


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