Homer wrote:I am extremely suspicious of that leveling time, especially on Nostalrius
Care to explain your process?
Conc + ret aura + imp thorns means things at low levels just die as they hit you. We aoe grinded places like the farm with all the orcs for example.
We only played at around 10pm - 6am est to avoid pvp and competition although it was still rough because guilds like PLA are still on and this was around the time quest hubs were being camped regularly. Morgans Vigil was the biggest slow down, it was never not camped.
We also used mage portals around 5 times to get around azeroth quicker at 45+.
Other than that it was nothing but well thought out routes and planning, I know every quest worth doing in the game and I know which quests to skip. And not being phased by horde, if we were ganked we just continued on our way and if it got excessive we would move to another quest in the route if applicaple or log off for a little.