PvE difficulty

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Re: PvE difficulty

by joshbpepper » Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:20 am

I don't know, I think you should just enjoy the game for what it is without end game content.

All you'll find is a bunch of man children wanting to relive their nerdy teenage memories.

Re: PvE difficulty

by Holmes » Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:52 pm

http://web.archive.org/web/200503050057 ... ?ti=Hunter
hunter talent trees when ppl went mc etc back then

we have different trees and the nerfed mobs/bosses
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Re: PvE difficulty

by PriestInOurTime » Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:27 pm

joshbpepper wrote:All you'll find is a bunch of man children wanting to relive their nerdy teenage memories.

Isn't that more or less the entire point of this server with its gradual release schedule and blizzlike raids?

You seem like a real party pooper.
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Re: PvE difficulty

by Garfunkel » Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:17 pm

They are still difficult, not a total cakewalk, though obviously not as difficult as back in the day.

1) Gear. If you have a small raid with poor gear, you're not going to bring Onyxia down because you lack the damage output or your healers go OOM or your tanks take too much damage to be kept up. This factor becomes more important the further you progress - both AQ40 and Naxx have "gear check" bosses which requires that pretty much the entire 40-man raid is geared properly for them. No amount of in-game knowledge will circumvent that.

2) Knowledge. This is the part that makes the largest difference. All boss tactics have been discussed and analysed to death and everyone should be fully up-to-date on both boss and trash encounters and how to play their class. Though there certainly are players who never played vanilla or never raided vanilla and haven't read multiple guides.

3) Organization. 40-player raid is automatically more challenging than a 25-player raid or a 10-player raid if the mechanics were the same. As Setup said (though his statistics were faulty), there's a higher chance for player mistakes. Guilds still wipe in Molten Core, don't believe anyone who claims that theirs doesn't. This gets worse the further up the tiers you go.

On the other hand, you have to take some claims with a grain of salt. Apparently many private servers have glaring bugs when it comes to raid bosses or gear, allowing players to achieve much higher damage than in actual vanilla and similar things. Not to say that Nost is 100% bug free but, so far, my experience is that it matches the actual vanilla pretty closely.
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