Voo wrote:Mine are empty folders by default installation, followed the recommended first link to Download, and then ripped it :/.
That's fine, the 'WTF' folder is just your WoW Text File folder - in here your account data, WoW settings, character keybindings etc is stored. You don't need to empty this - but it doesn't matter if it is empty or not (on launch, just dont delete it or else you'll lose your settings)
The WDB is just the item/quest/mob/whatever cache folder and it doesn't really mean a whole lot if you delete this folder. You should delete it every time Nostalrius patches their server though. (If a quest is changed, you won't see the changes until after you delete your WDB folder, if they change the stats on an item you have seen before etc)
Your Interface\AddOns folder SHOULD NOT be empty.
You should have a bunch of Blizzard_somethingsomething folders in there. YOU MUST NOT DELETE THESE because these contain core parts of the interface, your wow will be broken if you delete these.