Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

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Re: Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

by arrows » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:29 am

The only thing I could suggest for people doing the 'just grind' strat is to check out the rare pets that can drop. If I remember correctly there are a few variations of the dragon whelp and a grub that have crazy low drop rates and therefor generally sell for quite a bit of cash. I gave up my 'true grinding' days after playing Lineage II for a few years... now that was a grind.
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Re: Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

by Wraith§Reaver » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:53 pm

Orcduck wrote:As in, you'll ignore most of the quests and just kill monsters, that's it.

It is incredibly boring but you'll end up making a lot of money due to random drops, selling trash, etc.
gg xD
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Re: Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

by Nobbynobs » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:58 pm

I do grind a lot, but only in-between quests or zones. For instance, I will have an early focus on killing humanoids for the sake of the much needed cloth. Also, I will probably vanquish whole patches of greenery to secure a mining node or a herb, laying waste to everything that stands in my way.

Interestingly enough it works for me, I have seen people struggle and run out of quests before STV at around levels 26-28. I have never managed that. In fact, most of the time I enter STV at around level 33 with less than 2 days played time. Although, if pressed, I will chop 12 hours of that estimate.
From: eotrampage
To: Nobbynobs

kill yourself you pathetic shillloser, the world is better of without people like you

Re: Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

by PeaceHammer » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:03 pm

I like grinding. I also like questing. So I'll do both.
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Re: Anyone planning on leveling to 60 - mostly by grinding?

by LeChat » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:13 pm

My grinding will begin at level 55 or around... till then quests and dungeons!


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