by Simonich » Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:24 am
Of course. 25 hordes shows up and not a single alliance. There are no world PvP guilds in alliance anyway...
So this basically turned to a darkshire/lakeshore tank raid. (I got 1 dhk) Many people died cause of alliance's cowardice that day. But at least in Redbridge we got resistance from stormwind from lvl 60s who gave a fuck. We had 5 lvl 60s and 15 other lvl 20-59s. Alliance actually brought 8 lvl 60s or so and wiped us once,but just as we rezzed they weren't there. We were ungrouped to avoid dhks for higher lvls which made it hard to keep it organized.
Anyway later on we had some satisfying fights when some alliance from <The Iron Curtain> came to defend.
+1 to them. They kept defending and some interesting fights occurred. I admit we killed some lowbies, but that's how war is. It was also a way to taunt some lvl 60 alliance to us. And.. we had lowbies as well so..
Probably wasn't the most honorable fight but that's it.
Was good to have you all
Hail The Red Dawn <3