This was leaked from Blood Legion boards a few years back.. This is one of their officers giving health and nutrition advise (lol) to his guildees prior to a new content patch. Raiding 116 hours per week is serious business.
Progression Race Food/Health Planning
by Nodozz on Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:55 pm
This has been something I have been wanting to address for a while now, and as i'll be doing my shopping shortly, now seems oppurtune.
First I want to say that alot of people are really handling this poorly, and their poor planning and overall lack of flexibility in their diet during progression has cost us alot of time, and with shitka finishing just an hour or so behind us last tier its important to minimize time wasted.
Rule #1
It cant take more than ~5mins to cook.
Way too many people were requesting 30-45 min breaks during SHA progression to prepare meals to eat. You people are hurting the guild, straight up. We should be aiming at 15-20min TOPS breaks during progression once every 3-4 hours. So 5 mins to prepare food, 5 to cook it, eat, restroom, and back ON TIME. On time = a couple minutes early.
Rule #2
Stay Hydrated. Drink Water, not soda. Caffeine is fine, massive amounts of sugar found in soda and most energy drinks is not, your only building yourself up to crash even harder.
I honestly feel like last tier I had more energy than ever before but I need to be better, 12 bosses is far more than we ever faced in 1 stretch last tier, its something that is going to require ALOT of hours. You have to plan. Last tier I did coffee, black, and 99.9% fruit outside of that. Bananas, apples, grapes, peaches, pineapple. I ate an ounce or so every 2 hours, and felt great the entire time. When I started feeling a crash in my alertness late at night typically close to midnight I would sip on a SUGAR FREE red bull and felt great shortly after.
Another thing I did last tier which helped alot was power nap (this isnt an option for everyone). There will be some fights where some people arent used for whatever reason, use this time effectively, if we do a comp change we are going to commit to it for at least a few pulls. During this time a 15 minute power nap does WONDERs, there are thousands of studies that speak to the benefits to alertness that a 15 minute nap can give you, its something I picked up in the Army, and I fee like alot fo gamers just dont get it. EVEN if you arent sitting, if you are planning your eating properly you can use our 15-20 min breaks to take a quick nap, set an alarm, and come back rested and rejuvenated ready to continue at a high level.
Among our other adversaries we are facing an opponent with a roster 50% bigger than ours. They have the potential to pull rediculous amounts of hours each day, and with fresh bodies cycled in. We need to improve how efficiently we take care of buisness, and this is one of our weakest areas by far. If you want to be the best, it takes hard work and sacrifices, some of you will have to fore go your 5 course meals when we are staring at the last boss of the tier.
Fix your sleep schedules now. Dont sleep over 8 hrs a night, be prepared for 6 or so hours of sleep a night, dont have your body use to getting 10-14 hrs of sleep like most gamers do.