(semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Grava » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:16 pm

With all of the "let's go back to when WoW was harder" types of people here in the community, I'm genuinely surprised by the reactions, but this is why I created it....to see what everyone thought.

One thing people keep seeming to forget (or maybe it's just not important to the discussion and people are just glossing over it) is that I wasn't suggesting that we do this on Nost. Only that it might be a fun alternative way to play.

If I ever decide to RP, I might try this on my own, but I would TOTALLY try playing this if it were a game mode I could select (something that only effected my own character, perhaps chosen at character creation).

Thanks for everyone's insight, so far!

Oh, and for TheLockKing on the Conan subject: I didn't know that. Interesting.
Sonic - level 12 Night Elf Rogue
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Raazi » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:20 pm

Moved to General discussion.
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Grava » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:24 pm

Raazi wrote:Moved to General discussion.

Awesome! Thank you, Raazi.

Anyway, for the general forum: Thoughts?
Sonic - level 12 Night Elf Rogue
Hobbes - level 1 Night Elf Druid
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by TheLockKing » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:33 pm

Had to go back and see if I remembered it right. Apparently it's not a "setting" but rather an inherent ruleset on only one or two servers... which are lowly populated.

Wizardry had a somewhat permadeath system where you had a CHANCE to be able to rez based on what level you were.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_ ... nent_death
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Neverwinter » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:41 pm

Ironman sounds fun,i will def do it after i level my first char to 60.
Most challenging will be mele ironman,casters have it easier and hunter with fd easiest :D

Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Garfunkel » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:44 pm

TheLockKing wrote:
Garfunkel wrote:I'm unaware of any large MMO that did something this harsh. Even Ultima Online didn't include it. It wouldn't work for instances or raids unless you always brought a warlock along.

Age of Conan has a difficulty mode that's basically this. If you die and aren't rezzed within 6 hours, your character is permanently dead.

Perhaps that was added later as it definitely wasn't in at launch. I gave up on that game about three months after launch.

Ironman mode does exist for many single player games but the additional headache and trouble they cause for a multiplayer is something that only very few players would enjoy after the initial excitement wears off.
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Putni » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:48 pm

The thing that most people refer to when wanting a harder WoW back is not insane challenges and a system that can screw with you if you don't have the right friends.

It's teamwork. The kind that makes you even out the disadvantages of other classes, not just dodging stuff together. It required an immense amount of dedication, grinding and tactical teamplay to down anything here.

And then there is an aspect we are never getting back: that sensation when you and *everyone around you* realized something for the very first time. You didn't know what's coming, you didn't know what the hell you are supposed to do and how things work. We know every damn thing now and it's gonna stay that way till we get a collective brainwash and all the sites containing WoW info get wiped from the Internet.

Hardcore mode is not something that makes the game harder, it just makes it more annoying. It makes the game less dynamic, you have to depend on other people at all times, lag screws with you on a major level (and just because Nostalrius seems to be very good in this regard doesn't mean we will never experience lag).

Hardcore mode is not a bad idea in games like Diablo, but the mechanics of WoW make it a bad idea to implement it here.

Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Chuck » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:48 pm

Hogger Endgame Content
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by faids4you » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:10 am

i would sit with my 10 other rogue friends waiting for lvl 59 people to pass by then cut their throat while they sleep
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Re: (semi) Permanent Death AKA Hardcore Mode

by Sable » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:55 am

Hello Hi Excuse Me. This is not a fun server. This is a super serious BLIZZLIKE server.
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