Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Corazon » Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:28 pm

nervous wrote:jesus christ grow a fucking sack and close your eyes--internet bullying does not exist

Please kill yourself, preferably slowly, painfully, and humiliatingly. <---- See that? Internet bullying. I could take it a step further and keep asking/telling you to kill yourself on alt accounts in PM, with proxies if necessary. I won't because I'm not psychotic, but there you go.

Though I have to admit, I wouldn't exactly call what happened to OP as 'toxicity', I've seen much worse. Just a minor troll, thats all. I think OP's just mad the guy lowballed his mom, I'm sure she's worth much more. :lol:
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by AverageJoe » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:39 pm

wslucanm wrote:shouldn't we have a proper place to report these kinds of badmanner from players?

A quick search of the forums and even reading the sticky threads in Support that say "HELP" will tell you exactly how to report players if you bothered to search.

Though for trivial matters, you're likely to be told just to /ignore the offending player.
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by mongoen11 » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:58 pm

I played on a server where you could be banned for insulting someones mom.

Needless to say I don't play there anymore. Fucking rats ur mums a druid kid.

Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Glas » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:50 pm

wslucanm wrote:I don't even know why would someone do something like this , out of nowhere , but shouldn't we have a proper place to report these kinds of badmanner from players?

Jesus gave us /ignore function, whats your problem??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

If you really want to create a better world go outside and fix peoples lifes. If you dont wanna do that either, speak to the toxic people ingame and help them become a better person. If you dont wanna do that either, you have to remove yourself from the presence of those toxic people and leave others fix their problems. Go away if you cant fix it. Thanks to people like you on a server like Feenix your voice was beeing heard and people could be banned for just beeing a competitive player in pvp ranking, because wrong people got power like in RL, YOU UNDERSTAND????!"§?!????
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Littlesister » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:59 pm

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Fool Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Fool Close Your Eyes Haha
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Bioness » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:24 pm

I entered this thread expected genuine harassment and what I got was the equivalent of lobby chat in an online game. Just ignore that idiot if you don't like it.

Now if it were constantly and he was actually saying offensive things (your mom jokes don't count), then you could report him.

Littlesister wrote:Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Fool Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Fool Close Your Eyes Haha

A shit quote from a shit human being.
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by diogenes » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:28 pm

ILikeEggs wrote:Blizzard never banned people for stuff like that because then they would lose the $15 per month from the loser's subscription,

That's actually not entirely true. While I never heard of such a person being perma banned for that kind of behavior, I distinctly remember people receiving 1-3 hour bans including being muted for a certain period of time back in vanilla.

Xylon666Darkstar wrote:SJWs like you should be banned, op.

We can't all have what we want. Others just have more realistic controls and aspirations for themselves compared to you.

WTF are you talking about. The guy was upset that someone was talking about his mom, or sending him needless tells distracting from the sale of an item. While I agree its verging on the point of being a "tattle-tale," it hardly makes someone a "sjw." Furthermore, he didnt even ask them to be banned, but instead used the vague term "punished," that could be as light as a 1 hour mute.

Honestly, there's not enough information in these screenshots, but theoretically, if you (or you and several other people) were to constantly message someone, creating new accounts as they were ignored, it would be totally legitimate to create some of a punishment for that kind of behavior.

Just because you value "free speech," doesn't mean that you should be a dick. And I have no fucking clue what you're even talking about when you say "Others just have more realistic controls and aspirations for themselves compared to you." WTF? How is that even relevant to the discussion, or are you just being a dick?
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Redcap » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:38 pm

Use the /ignore function. If you really want to report a player, you need content that is clear harassment. I've killed players who log on an alt of my faction to whisper me a bunch of trash talk. I'll /ignore them and they log on a second alt to continue to trash talk. I've taken a screenshot of the text from the first alt and then the second alt and then I'm in business. That's the kind of behavior players aren't allowed to do.

Sometimes you'll have a person flip out and go full throttle with ractial / homophobic / religious / national slurs all in a combination, directed at you personally as an attack, either in whispers or in a public chat. That behavior also crosses the line of harassment so screenshot and report.

Mildly trolling fluff like you have in the screenshots is worthless. It's not a hate filled personal attack, so it's not really harassment. Ignore and if they bypass that - then you're in business to report.
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Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by Metukka » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:02 pm

Littlesister wrote:Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Fool Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Fool Close Your Eyes Haha


Re: Shouldn't toxicity in game be punished?

by PanTheSatyr » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:37 pm

Littlesister wrote:Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Fool Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Fool Close Your Eyes Haha

Why Are You Capitalizing Everything Do You Know How To Use Punctuation Oh God I Am Doing It To Please Make It Stop
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